Odeassa Ranges Geographic Location in The Garden that Burned | World Anvil

Odeassa Ranges

Brief Overview

The Odeassa Ranges are known as the northwest mountain ranges of Birtham, also home to the kingdom of Odeasus. The Odeassa ranges were once the best place to go for high rise icy sights, but now its home to the The Craven Cannibals.

General Overview

Though they are beautiful mountains and they're resource rich, the Odeassan Ranges are avoide by most merchants and travelers due to the constant cannibal attacks. Most folks fear the ranges and choose to take long detours to circle near the Edenauth Embassy, a building owned by Edenpol, just to be safe.

Mountain Range
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Traditions
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by myshoun
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