Deny the Delusion of Darkness Prose in The Garden that Burned | World Anvil

Deny the Delusion of Darkness

His Plead

A chilling yet detailed look into the mind of a survivor of Valkours first expedition into Lagomous. The expedition was code-named, light bringer, and was set to take place over the span of 48 hours. Unfortunately, not long after entry all contact with the adventures within had been lost. They were only lost in the darkness of Lagomous for an hour longer than projected, but within minutes of their entry those waiting on the outside of the darkness began to hear the panicked verses of the plead below, though the accounts of which order they were heard in differs from person to person.
"Deny the notion of the darks eternal expanse, seeking to morally disarm us.
Embrace its icy solitude, for acceptance breeds a mind unclouded.
as to see the truth when you have no vision, first you must listen.
Deny, deny the Delusion of Darkness..

  It is only there in that dark we are forced to confront that which we've suppressed.
Isolated, our eyes cast shadows on each success, our failures compounded.
Thus distracting us from our mission.
We must defy the grasp of apathy, that which manufactures the heartless.

  Bad and good men seeing through the same eyes, yet still blind to reason risk unrest.
their actions strip their morals of the values on which they were founded.
This is the fate of those who cannot see beyond their vision.
Deny, deny the Delusion of Darkness..

  Though wise men at their end know the dark is not harmless,
Until the final breath is drawn their call to arms is still sounded.
calling to live a life unburdened by a self constructed prison.
To defy the cold grip of apathy, that which manufactures the heartless.

  One last time with our final breath we are asked to defy that which keeps us oppressed.
Recall the nature of the shadows, that light must first exist to cast the shadows in which you are surrounded.
and while our own self doubt clashes in opposition to the will we were given.
Deny, deny the Delusion of Darkness.."

The Entry

This was the first thing spoken by an Illuminated monk as he and only 11 other men emerged from the darkness of Lagomous. The monk spoke only one more phrase before he took a vow of silence. He was one of the few survivors of Valkours first official attempt to navigate Lagomous after the War of Gods, though unfortunately the event was not survived without the loss of his vision. These are the events that transpired according to the fractured accounts given by the remaining survivors. Once they entered the darkness it was like walking into the The Abyss itself. They were chilled to the bone, plagued by sudden feelings of grief, despair, frustration, and most of all fear. Hour by hour the madness set in, at first only corrupting 3 or 4 of the 30 men whom had entered. As time went on, however, more of the travelers minds became blanketed by a shroud of violent indifference. Nothing attacked their company... They killed each other, as if possessed by Myrtyr himself.


The Final Hour

By the final hour 12 men remained. Only one of which still held a slight grip on his sanity, clutching it close as a mothers babe to her breast. Emboldened by their crimson coats, the other 11 wore blood of their brothers so thoroughly soaked through that it stained their souls. They moved to end their agony, each brother intending to slay the next, but at that moment the trembling monk sat down and began to speak. Despite their madness, the men began to listen as the monk preached of their call to arms, standing and walking through the dark aimlessly as he spoke. The men followed, enchanted by his wisdom, unaware that he was leading them home. When they finally reached the end of infinite night, the natural sonlight blinded the monk and 3 other men. The 8 remaining men noticed the blood upon them and receded back into the comforts of madness. One of the blind men stopped to ask the monk how he found their way out and which god he prayed to for answers. The monk simply smiled, rummaged blindly through his robes and pulled out a small, faded red band. "Pandoras children always find their way..." Was the last statement he ever spoke out loud.

Their Fate

Unfortunately it was later discovered that most of the dozen survivors had ended their own lives shortly after the Lagomous expedition. The final two, however, decided to travel Eden. The young navigator acting as the monks voice while the blind pair preached of resilience and wisdom to any and all who would listen during their travels.

Cover image: by Camila Quintero Franco


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