Tactacmolec Character in Starkeeper | World Anvil


This page contains spoilers for Shadows of the Keepers!

Tactacmolec, also known as the Red-Masked Man, was a leader in the Savage Hunters of the Outlands during the Arztillan Panarchy. Working for the Keeper Norla, he opposed the Meridian Expedition's efforts to stop Caesar Dulane until his defeat and death in the Battle Above Grand Arztilla.


A ruthless and brutal man, Tactacmolec wore a leather outfit with a long-nosed red mask and necklace of shrunken heads when riding atop his gryphon, and carried a disk-launcher weapon presumably salvaged from a Keeper ruin or given to him by Norla.


Along with the rest of the Savage Hunters, he fought on the side of Caesar Dulane's Panarchy and sought to stop the Meridian Expedition in its goal of deposing him. He failed in this aim when he died in battle over Grand Arztilla. The second White-Masked Man suceeded him as leader of the Savage Hunters and declared a truce with the expedition, not wishing the blood of any more of his comrades to be spilled fighting for foreign rulers such as Dulane.
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Fall into water
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by JCK5D


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