101 FUBAR Plot in Shelder | World Anvil
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Stranded on a planet teeming with dinosaurs after a colonization first landing goes wrong thanks to a corrupt AI system, where will the first two colonists take shelter?

Version 1

On a campaign to colonize a distant Earth-clone planet teeming with dinosaurs, 2 youngsters crash-land on the surface away from the support of an AI and its drones: they must rely only on each other as they are the first and only humans around.

Version 2

It's the future, and a seed ship is finally arrived at a distant Earth-like planet to deliver the first 2 pioneer-colonists, but they crash-land and must rely solely on each other against dinosaur-like aliens, and they might not be the first colonists there after all.

Version 3

The first 2 of a new generation of pioneer-colonists, crash-land on Shelder, a planet teeming with dinosaur-like aliens, cutoff from any supply and support, and they must rely only on each other, but they aren't alone: someone else has secretly arrived here before them.

Version 4

A seedship jumpstarts a new generation of colonists for a distant Earth-like planet: Ori and Oshiro are eager to grow and prepare for glorious first landing, but the ship fails and they are forced to land prematurely, alone, the first on an alien planet, still children - but are they really the first ones there?



Maggie Android

Innocent/Caregiver > Caregiver/Warrior > Caregiver/Rebel > (Magician > Ruler > Explorer > Sage)

Ori Nishi child

Innocent/Jester > Jester/Warrior > Everyperson/Warrior

Oshiro Kaidaa child

Innocent/Sage > Sage/Warrior > Explorer/Warrior



Gardia "Blues"

Now a repressed minority they oppose the Reds and Greens and wish to come in contact with new colony to aid in restoring order, thus sabotaging Reds' plan and steering away from Greens' vision.


Gardia "Reds"

Plant a virus in their failed colony ruins as a trap to lure the new colony, sabotage it, and steal their shuttles to gain access at the HSS Venture.

Plot type
Series Episode
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