Following the Specter - Despair in Reki Orbital Space Station | World Anvil

Following the Specter - Despair

This is a short story split into 13 parts for the Spooktober 2023 WA challenge.   This is the thirteenth part, click the button to read it.   Click here to go to the first part.   Despair
Dana tripped, fell, and their modi flew out of their hand as they braced to hit the floor. They could hear the thud of the modi as it landed and skid across the floor. Away from them. They tried to get up from the ground but claws grabbed a hold of their leg. Dana turned their head. Between the loud creaking noises the monster made Dana could hear somebody answer their call in the distance. Dana whimpered. There was nothing that they could do against this creature. They were alone.


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