Lizardfolk Species in Oryth | World Anvil


The lizardfolk of Oryth are a people with a completely different mindset than the rest of the humanoids of the world. They are cold-blooded and share much more with iguanas and dragons than they do with other sentient beings like humans. They are often seen as ruthless killing machines and often attack on-sight. Though this is true in many ways, negotiation isn't impossible, but difficult nonetheless.

A Different Perspective

Though many people mistook lizardfolk as evil creatures, this is not entirely the truth. Lizardfolk do not experience the same range of emotions as most humanoids and instead react to a more primate standpoint of emotional response like fear, aggression, or pleasure. Instead of showing their fear physically around the object of their phobia, they instead calculate themselves to avoid it entirely. Rather than quaking with rage, they are likely to just attack the object of their aggression should they believe they can overcome the threat. Things that a pleasurable should be guarded and protected even at the cost of their own safety.

Waste Not

When a comrade falls in battle or while hunting for food, lizardfolk are likely to collect their remains for a later meal. In fact, when stalking a beast and fellow lizardfolk falls, they are more apt to take the body of their kin and flee and claim that as their meal, abandoning the hunt altogether.

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Cold & Calculating

Most humanoids see lizardfolk as void of emotion and empathic sense and, in truth, this is quite an apt description of the scaled ones. They do not have any internal emotional reaction, instead, their reaction is through their actions. They observe occurrences and react to the occasions as they are warranted. When an ally falls in comrade, they do not get upset or angry, instead, recalculating their tactics in the midst of battle concerning new information and react appropriately.

Natural Survivalists

It is exceedingly rare to see a lizardfolk in large cities, even ones that do not know of their kind and that wouldn't react poorly to their presence. Instead, they prefer to stay where the hunt is bountiful and the nature is harsh, using it to hone their martial and tactical prowess. This also allows them to blend in naturally to their surroundings with their scales and stay in top shape.

They find human civilization lazy and distasteful, their ever-moving and ever-surviving way of life a matter of honing their survival of the fittest mantra.

Unprotected Meat-bags

Lizardfolk are baffled by the appearance and evolutionary traits of most of the other humanoids. Due to others not having fleshy skin in place of scales, dull teeth, and useless nails, it is truly a wonder how these "meat-bags" even survive in day-to-day life. Lizardfolk look down on other races and often attack them for plentiful food supply due to the reasoning save the Dragonborn who actually bare superior advantages.

Lizardfolk Quirks

Characteristics (d8)
  1. "You hate waste and see no reason not to scavenge fallen enemies. Fingers are tasty and portable!"
  2. "You sleep best while mostly submerged in water."
  3. "Money is meaningless to you."
  4. "You think there are only two species of humanoid: lizardfolk and meat."
  5. "You have learned to laugh. You use this talent in response to all emotional situations, to better fit in with your comrades."
  6. "You still don’t understand how metaphors work. That doesn’t stop you from using them at every opportunity."
  7. "You appreciate the soft humanoids who realize they need chain mail and swords to match the gifts you were born with."
  8. "You enjoy eating your food while it’s still wriggling."

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Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Lacertilia Sapien
~60 Years
Average Height
5'8" - 6'5"
Average Weight
150lbs - 200lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usually with green to yellowish scales with plumes over their heads that can be of a rainbow of different colors.

Lizardfolk Names

Lizardfolk take their names from the Draconic language. They use simple descriptives granted by the tribe based on an individual’s notable deeds or actions. For example, Garurt translates as “axe,” a name given to a lizardfolk warrior who defeated an orc and claimed his foe’s weapon. A lizardfolk who likes to hide in a stand of reeds before ambushing an animal might be called Achuak, which means “green” to describe how she blends into the foliage.

Lizardfolk Names. Achuak (green), Aryte (war), Baeshra (animal), Darastrix (dragon), Garurt (axe), Irhtos (secret), Jhank (hammer), Kepesk (storm), Kethend (gem), Korth (danger), Kosj (small), Kothar (demon), Litrix (armor), Mirik (song), Othokent (smart), Sauriv (eye), Throden (many), Thurkear (night), Usk (iron), Valignat (burn), Vargach (battle), Verthica (mountain), Vutha (black), Vyth (steel)

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