Ezequiel Character in Oryth | World Anvil


"I will protect the child. No matter the cost."

Born on the same day down to the same minute and second, as Ash, Ezequiel's duty on the Material Plane has always been and will always be the protection of the young Aasimar. Since before Ash was even old enough to remember, the young celestial pup was scavenging food and finding shelter for her. Though Ash is merely a young child, Hound Archons mature at a much faster rate than that of the Aasimar. As such, Ezequiel has trained himself much more vigorously in past years than Ash.   Teaching Ash the ways of combat has not been an easy task with her childish mannerisms, but that doesn't stop him from trying. When training her, he noticed her affinity for thrown weapons, particularly the boomerang. Ezequiel fashioned her one as a gift on her 10th year of birth and began to train her rigorously (when he could). Since then, he has taken a less active role in training, preferring a hands-off approach as the years go by noticing that she seems to excel more in practical uses than with training.   Ezequiel is waiting for the day for Ash's true potential to be unlocked, the day that her power truly awakens. When that day comes, he knows what he must do and the price that must be paid...

Personal Characteristics

Name: Ezequiel
Race: Hound Archon
Age: 13
Date of Birth: 19th of Trithbis
Body Type: Muscular
Fur Color: Red
Facial Hair: None
Eye Color: Gold
Skin Tone: Red
Religious Beliefs: Trithereonite
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Introvert/Extrovert: Introvert
Profession: Protector
Class: Champion

Cover image: Hound Archon by Wizards of the Coast


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