Chapter I: Naked & Afraid Report in Oryth | World Anvil

Chapter I: Naked & Afraid

The Entropic Scourge

General Summary

High upon a mountain top in the southern region of Tsharithius the clouds overhead loom ominous darkness about them. Below your feet is utter nothingness as you begin an expeditious descent. The darkness clears, to reveal the ocean below that you crash into with great force. You are restrained and unable to move. Suspending in a crucified-like state, you appear to be in a cavern somewhere as a dark ichor crawls its way up to your body until you are completely engulfed.

Atlas is the first to awaken, seeing nothing before him with his Darkvision. Crawling through a thick membrane of the ichor, they stand from their imprisonment and see that they were inside a placenta-like pod. Looking down at his feminine form, he realizes that he is as bare as the day he was born. Suddenly, another pod shifts as a hand bursts from within. A halfling by the name of Lidori emerges. The two stare at each other's naked-forms for a moment and gather their bearings. Searching for her lost companion, Lidori begins to search another pod, but it proves to be too difficult for the halfling alone. Atlas begrudgingly assists the small form of Lidori and rips open the pod. The horn of the almiraj, Flump, emerges first before finally he crawls out and the three are united under... Strange circumstances.

The three travel from the heights of the moment, noticing a sickness in the trees that would be unnoticeable to the untrained eyes. Passing a traveler on the way, Lidori is introduced to a human adventurer named Malcador who assisted the adventurers with basic supplies, a bit of coin, and enough cloth to at least cover themselves. Along the way, they encountered a young adult bear caught in a trap that Atlas assisted and took note of the semi-fresh tracks in his territory.

Continuing to his track, Atlas led the others to his small and humble hovel where they were ambushed by bandits. The fight was arduous and led to a grievous wound upon Lidori, but the death of two of the bandits, one turning to stone by the mystical power of Flump's horn. Lidori took pity on one of the bandits and spared its life.

The next morning, Atlas moved the now statue of the bandit that was felled by the almiraj which prompted Lidori to spot a writhing mass of living roots not unlike a mushrooms' mycorrhizal network. The halfling and dwarrow concluded that it seems like this sickness is originating underground. Atlas, knowing the surrounding area, notes that there is a network of caverns to the west of Moristpor. The three decide to make way to the town to reequip themselves and sell the gear they acquired from the bandits with intention of exploring the source of this Entropic Scourge...
Game Session Date
Tuesday the 1st of December
in the 2020th Anno Domini

Report Date
02 Dec 2020

Oryth Date
Colsdis the 3rd - 5th Days of Olibis
in the 541st Year of Rebirth

Geekz Anonymous

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Geekz Anonymous broadcasts 1-3 times a week!

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(Wednesday, 7-10PM EST)
Sig, Kaz, Dolphy, and I play the DnD5e Campaign called Oops! All Wizards where they go through the process of graduating from the College of the Frozen North and all the trials and tribulations that follow. It is a heavy roleplay game involving eight students, one from each School of Magic!
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Cover image: by Timi Honkanen


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