SummerCamp 2021 - I will try... in The Awakened Dreamscape | World Anvil

SummerCamp 2021 - I will try...

That Pledge Thing

Which project are your worldbuilding efforts tied to?

Any -- I do not have anything particular that I want to work on specifically. I just want to take this time to try and focus myself and become more creative. I do have a world or two I want to work on, but I also have other goals in general I want to work toward.

Which world are you working on?

For me, this is the same thing. One of the two worlds. Maybe I'll work on a 3rd world for who 'I' am that isn't linked to a game idea.

Which area of the world(s) are you working on?

Again -- I'm just trying to be more creative at this point. If I end up focusing on something specific, all the better!

How much are you aiming to complete?

As much as I can. My goal is to focus on something. Focus is something that outside of work, I struggle with. It's odd, when it comes to work I can focus so well, but when it comes to my personal life focusing is hard. Even taking the time to write this document right now for me has been hard. I wanted to put something down, even if its just this document for now and not many of the pledge primer questions actually help me for the goal I want.

When will you write?

I honestly don't know -- during the day, in the evening. I think I'm going to just trying to open an article in the morning and try to put something down that was more than what I had before.

Who is your support network?

I have to say I honestly don't really have one. Because of live before COVID, and COVID itself, my life has been flipped over multiple times to the point where I'm dizzy and about to fall over for the umpteenth time. -- While I wouldn't really call it 'support', I'm going to use the World Anvil discord to reach out and become something more, or at the least, that's the hope anyway.

But I want my participation trophy!!!

That's nice, I guess, but I honestly don't care what trophy's or profile things I get out of this. I threw away all my participation and other trophies several years ago when I really started trying to clean up my life and only have what actually matters to me. -- This is about me, trying to become a better person, and a better creative. Get feedback from the community to help me grow, and maybe get to know and help a few others. -- For some reason I see myself critiquing others more than I'll be writing myself, but who cares, I enjoy that too.
by nnie | The Morning Realm
Above this line WA said my article was 498 words (before proof reading and updates/changes). -- I didn't even think I would write that much honestly, but I'm opening up my very private self to others.


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Jun 21, 2021 05:26 by Dimitris Havlidis

Best of luck! But try to focus a bit more, You have no time to work, no real focus on what you'll work - I will suggest you solidify at least one of the two :)

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