Surbaria Healing Streams Building / Landmark in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Surbaria Healing Streams

Surbarians believe that water holds mystical healing properties, that if you immerse yourself in water and let your spirits free, you'll be clear of all sicknesses. That's why Surbaria constructed a special location hidden within the rainforests north of Surbaria. The area is covered in small streams and waterfalls, where you can swim along and clear your mind and soul, removing yourself of sicknesses.

Purpose / Function

The abundance of streams and waterfalls looping around the dense rainforest intend to cure Surbarians of any sicknesses. Surbarians swim through the streams, allowing the water to slowly heal them from any sicknesses, mental and physical.


Throughout Surbaria's history, the streams have been expanded to flow through a considerable amount of the rainforest. As of now, the streams have reached an estimate of fifty two kilometres, weaving through the trees and through gallors (naturally hollowed hills), along the coastline and through cave systems. The lack of gravity in some locations allows for impressive streams, that can float upwards, in some places completely over the canopies.


While most of the streams and waterfalls are not surrounded by buildings, some areas are covered in a large web of flowering vines of all colours. Intricate lattices are weaved out of bamboo growing in abundance in the rainforests, and seeds are planted at the bottom of the bamboo. Over a few years, the vines already carpet the lattices, creating a beautiful scene as you swim through the streams underneath the blossoming vines. As a result, expect the streams to contain many petals that have fallen into the water.


While tourists visit Surbaria, they are often encouraged to visit the Surbaria healing streams. For a Surbarian, the streams are commonly used, but to a visitor this would be a new experience, and visitors are encouraged to delve into Surbaria culture and experience it for themselves.
Founding Date
-1000 (Believed, not confirmed)
Alternative Names
Surbaria Healing Gardens
Parent Location

Boiled alive

In an indoor portion of the stream, is what is essentially a hot tub. The water is heated, because it is believed that the steam released more healing vapours than cold, or lukewarm water. The problem lies with Surbaria People, and their inability to tolerate warm waters. They can tolerate temperatures up to about 40℃, but then anything more is painful. This isn't even for most people, most people in Surbaria can handle about 35℃. The hot tub area is heated to about 38℃, just beyond the normal range so people should feel comfortable but also releases as many healing vapours as possible.    Problematic for most, people tend to feel rather cooked once they leave the hot tub, and in some cases people feel faint. It baffles people as to why this area hasn't closed down, it never gets good reviews.


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Jul 27, 2021 19:24 by Pizza the Hutt

I really like your little side bit about the temperature being too hot for the people.

Jul 28, 2021 09:36 by Mochi

Thank you so much! :D

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