Mistfall Valley Geographic Location in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Mistfall Valley

My friend wandered into the valley, thinking he was gonna survive. A few minutes later I started to get worried. Then screams. I will never forget that day...
— Unfortunate hiker
    Mistfall valley is a terrifying location amidst the Frost Mountain Range, completely encased in a thick layer of silver mist. Currently nobody has ever managed to explore this valley and made it out alive.


The mist from the valley covers a large strip in the middle of the mountain range. The valley that is visible is incredibly steep, sometimes at a 90 degree angle. If you look incredibly closely, you can see some movements very rarely within the mist.


Nobody really knows what's down there, except whatever it is must be very big and dangerous. Reports of screaming sounds and bone rattles have been heard, leading people to guess what is down in the valley.


In 1703, a search party for 4 missing teenagers ended up wandering into Mistfall Valley. A few hours after the search party hiked through the mist, screaming sounds were heard for miles. The bones of harmonid remains were then found a few days later, which appeared to have been thrown completely out of the valley onto the side of the mountains. This tragic news struck headlines across the world and sent shivers down the spines of anyone who heard about it.
Many texts from thousands of years ago depicts a large snake, with bones for a body, burning red eyes and a deadly stare, slithering out of the valley and terrorising settlements. The accuracy of these texts remains unknown, but still strikes fear to this day.   In 1945, a drone was sent down to study the bottom of the valley. Thirteen minutes after descent within the mist, the cameras completely shut off. Common belief states that the mist somehow affected the signals, however few believe this was a ploy to hide what was truly discovered down there.
Alternative Name(s)
Death Valley
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