Cogs, a gift from Erathis Technology / Science in Uto Daeg | World Anvil

Cogs, a gift from Erathis

Cogs given by Erathis for the purpose of higher thinking and intricate machines. All gnomish inventions use cogs or gears to some degree, even if it's a simple as math.


Imperative for clocks and useful for about any other engineering process, cogs provide their unique versatility to devices and inventions.


Dwarves mostly make the cogs, the Mountaine Federation creating the most, since the Mil Bazon dwarves are too busy mining Mithril .
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Now, the cog is widely used in all manner of creations. The magnificent dam in Sarapride wouldn't exist without cogs, and cause the seasonal flooding and drying up to be as it was a few thousand years ago.
A single cog is not very complicated. The "ideal cog" Beeddoss sketched has seven teeth, similar to Erathis's gear symbol. The complexity of cogs comes in when a tinkerer uses many and many of them in unison to create a time piece, or perhaps some creation that when wound up, will march and drum. The cog is really a stepping stone.
The discovery of cogs and their infinite usage came to a gnome named Beeddoss. She went to sleep, thinking of the feywild, her home, when she was thrust into another realm of weird metallic structures now known as gears. In a large building sat a stately golden queen with tall men who were moving statues. This queen gave the vision of the ideal cog to Beeddoss, who awoke in a frenzy. She grabbed her pencil and began scribbling the sketch down, not stopping until she found it just as she had seen. She showed it to an associate, for she was an engineer, and they took it before the tribunal who congratulated her. She received full marks and started immediately on a clock.


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