Firin Fernpine Character in Toy Soldier Saga | World Anvil
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Firin Fernpine

Ensign Firin Fernpine

Firin is a serious woman who believes her interests — primarily the ones seen as "feminine" — are useless and should be discarded.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Firin is a short young elf with a surprising strength to her. She is quite sinewy and muscular. She has a very balanced build.

Identifying Characteristics

Firin is hardly ever seen without her signiature blue nail laquer and lipstick.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Firin always had a temper growing up. Even when she tried to tame this temper, she managed to cause injury. Firin always wanted to learn to be friends with other children, but it never seemed to work out that way.   When Firin was twenty-three, her parents contacted a well-known martial arts instructor in the hopes he would know how to calm her wild nature. Her new master, Saedor Greymarsh, was successful in teaching her to tame her temper in addition to teaching her coping mechanisms and fighting techniques.   Despite Greymarsh's attempts, he could never grasp how to use Firin's interests to her advantage. This caused Firin to believe that her interests were useless and should be discarded.

Gender Identity

Firin is insecure in her gender identity, but currently identifies as a woman. She believes that her more "feminine" interests would detract from her combat skills, which she is thouroughly convinced are her "saving grace".

Personality Characteristics


Firin joined the Avalonian Imperial Navy believing that it was the only way to put her skills to good use. She has always wanted her combat capabilities to find a use ever since her master passed away.


Religious Views

Firin is a follower of the Morrigan — the goddess of war and fate. She believes that following the path of the Morrigan has been her calling since she was young. After all, she was a fighter.
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Firin Fernpine is the resident jock of the AINS Stalwart and also the resident party-pooper.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
50 years old
Tanzia, Danranerth, Kalea System
Current Residence
A.I.N.S. Stalwart
Green with copper flecks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm and medium-brown
104 lbs.
Known Languages
Firin knows Elven and Elfin, and is fluent in both. Despite having an interest in other languages, Firin hasn't had the time or effort to put in towards learning more. Firin has problems reading thanks to her dyslexia, but she manages.


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