Anais Evergarden Character in Toy Soldier Saga | World Anvil
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Anais Evergarden

Anais Evergarden

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Anais is a tall, thin elven woman with light, almost pastel blue hair and alabaster skin. While thin, her body is quite toned for an elf and bares a few scars from her travels.

Body Features

The most notable feature of Anais is a long, jagged scar on her back which runs from her left shoulder to her right waist, as well as similar claw-like markings. She also bears the insignia of the A.I.N.S. on her shoulder.

Special abilities

Anais has been gifted with an immense intelligence since birth. Naturally curious, she has a tendency to try answers and research new and amazing things. As a result, she often times carries around tremendous amounts of books, research notes, and assessments.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anais was born in Tanzia to the well-off Evergarden Noble Family. At a young age, her parents favored her brother over her, despite her being the oldest, and this resulted in a rift between her and the family.   As she grew older, she attempted to impress her family with her detailed notes, field research, and intellect. Her family, however, felt she would persue more feminine pursuits. She refused and eventually left her family home.   Eventually, she found her way to the Avalonian Naval Academy, where she utilized her intellect to the fullest. However, her family detested the Avalonian Empire and, as a result, had her disowned from the family.   Upon graduation, she traveled with a few of her former professors for a while, taking notes and sharing research before they requested her be placed in the crew of the E.I.N.S. Stalwart crew without her knowing.   She is currently a part of the E.I.N.S. Stalwart.

Gender Identity

Anais sees herself as a female but acts very adventurous, almost acting without thinking in many situations while creating solutions on the spot. She is a practiced fencer, researcher, and cartographer who isn't afraid to get dirty.   She does, however, get slightly ill around blood and gore.


Anais has never really shown much interest in those of the opposite sex. Throughout her life, her father would push for her to marry or date with other noble men, but often times this would end in failure. It was only during her time in the A.I.N.S. did she find a true attraction with her fellow female students and has since come out as a lesbian.


For much of her youth, the only education she was allowed was from house maids and servants of her father. This, however, bored her, and she found much greater joy in self-teaching by visiting her family grand library.   When she joined the A.I.N.S., she completed her seemingly lacking education by graduating at the top of her class in geography, cartography, and natural sciences.

Mental Trauma

While Anais is very aware of her intelligence, she lacks self-confidence in her own judgement. Often back-tracking when speaking when she gets nervous or doubting herself mid-sentence. She also seeks admiration and respect from her colleagues, a mentality which often gets her in trouble more times than not.
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Current Residence
E.I.N.S. Stalwart
Pastel Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 7"
105 lbs
Known Languages
Elven, Elfish, Draconic, Gnome, Celestial, Goblin, Sylvan.

First Parlay With Enemy 7/16/4641
16 Huntersmoon, 4641

Dear Diary,   My oaths as both a scientist and a cartographer state that I would abstain from all wrongdoings and harm towards others. However, this oath was taken when I was still in the academy. Do I need to retake my oaths, since I am now a sailor. Do these oaths even hold up to modern times, as they were written long ago in a time when warfare was more simple. Do these oaths even mean anything in war? I assumed they would, but I also assumed I would not partake in war. War is an illogical construct of our own subconscious, however it is up to the individual to remain logical. Is it logical to kill something if you know it intends to kill you? The Elven Philosphers often say no, because it could be reasoned with. However, early elven scholars noted the simplicity of Goblins and decided they could not be reasoned with. However, many of the reports are not old and false. However, these goblins refuse to be reasoned with, so my life was threatened. I was protecting myself, however I did so at the cost harming another living being which counteracts my oaths. Ergo, do I follow the oaths or do I follow the rules of war? Are these rules so different, as both were written by the hand of elf-kind and thus are of the same mindset. (this continues for at least three more pages.)

Chosen For Stalwart - 2/8/4641
2 Rose Moon, 4641

Dear Diary,   I must first exclaim my most joyous- I am willfully exclaiming my most- I am trying- SCREW IT   Oh my gods! I have just been informed by Professor Morningsong that I have been hand-chosen to be onboard one of the newest experimental ships for my practical year! Me! Can you believe it! I can't! I have only just gotten the letter and already I am planning everything I need for the expedition. This is just like Field Preparations and Survival Class all over again. First things first! A list, so that I am not forgetting anything!  
  • Prepare Laundry [X]
  • Prepare Luggage [X]
  • Double Check Luggage [ ]
  • Ensure my notebooks are with me at all times [X]
  • Ensure that I have cartography tools just in case! [ ]
  • Make sure that you have prepared extra clothes [X]
  • Be Awesome! [ ]
  • With this list, I am ensuring my success to a great and brave new adventure in my life! I will be representing the very finest in Avalonian Naval Cadets and I will be a proud, loyal member of the Avalonian Navy! Finally amongst my peers to ensure the peace and tranquility of known space! Look out world! You're newest Midshipman is ready, able, and willing to take on the world of science, diplomacy, and magic!   HAZZAH!   -Signed, Midshipman Anais Manaflora Violetta Evergarden of the A.I.N.S Stalwart :D

    War Is Declared - 7/16/4641
    16 Huntersmoon, 4641

    Dear Diary,   It is with a most solemn and heavy heart that I must inform that, aside from our previous diplomatic mission being delayed, war has been declared. It was sudden, we had only just exited from our wormhole when we were startled by enemies approaching from high starboard. I was fortunate, or unfortunate depending on those asked, that I was the eyes in the crows nest. (Eyes in the crows nest - sailor talk for being in the crows nest.) I managed to spot them as they approached and we open fired, destroying the three when a fourth was spotted shortly after on the retreat.   We were informed, during chase, that the war was official and we were no longer practicals, we were soldiers. My father warned me of this, he told me that joining the Avalonian Service wouldn't just be a free ride and some free land. They used people, like cannon fodder, to win wars. I can already hear him now, laughing at me and telling me how he was always right and I was always wrong.   Though I refuse to believe this. This war will not be my death. I can't allow it. I am scared. Even as I write this on deck, my hand quivers with great anxiety. One of our fellow crewmates, a woman named Rusa, was most kind in helping me regain my composure. I cannot express how grateful I am in her efforts, even if I was not the best at responding. I need to be brave, for the Clan Evergarden and for my crewmates. I can't let a little war (wars are, in fact, not little but large scale conflicts involving millions of people, remember this for history book) stop me now. I didn't spend four years in the academy to fail now. I can do this!   Signed Anais Manaflora Violetta Evergarden (Midshipman) Of the A.I.N.S. Stalwart   (in the corner, a screaming face with hair drawn in panic and a small note - OH MY GOD! WE ARE AT WAR! AHHHH~)


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