Annias Isa-Awad Character in The Rosepetal | World Anvil

Annias Isa-Awad (/ɑhniɑs iʃɑ ɑʋɑd/)

Sealed Identity Record
Property of the Jarmen BNSC Archives, Beckinsal

Content Warning
Contains mentions of murder, gore, and cannibalism.
The being/individual described in this document has been determined to be an uyetsoub of considerable age and experience.   They are suspected of establishing at least three different hunting grounds on the world of Beckinsal in the span of 45 years. During this time span they have allegedly stolen the identity of several of citizens, with the last known on record being the convicted and executed serial-killer Annias Isa-Awad.   Please observe that the data of this file is still of questionable objectivity and accuracy due to being compiled from a mix of sources, such as witness accounts, official observations, and recorded events.  
Its purpose is the pooling data on the individual as investigations into their nature and their connection to case JBNSC-BAIGR-03 continues.
  Due to an increasing amount of evidence pointing toward the individual not being exclusively active on Beckinsal, it’s under review to have this record disconnected from the ongoing case and escalated to higher instances within the United Worlds.  


Very little is known about the origin and background of the individual detailed in this file. It was originally thought that they hailed from, and were only operating on, the world of Beckinsal.   Recent communications with representatives of the security institutions of Shancury, and Bellmoral suggests the individual may itinerant. The pattern so far discerned consists of staying in one region of a world for 2-5 years before either moving to a new region, or an adjacent world if their actions accrued too much attention.   Vandesmyr, Tirun, Völler and Vitnamo have yet to respond to the inquiry but it'd be safe to assume the individual would have periodically settled on either or all of these worlds as well.   Some question the possibility for all presented cases to be dealing the same individual (or, iterations thereof), theorizing that we are dealing with copy-ninns instead. Most of the scepticism no doubt stem from the fact that, if it's the same individual, they would be close to three centuries old.  
One district security department on Shancury reported holding an archived case file dated 255 years ago that contains striking similarities with the Beckinsal-Avernon case 'Thief of a Hundred Faces' from 23 years ago.   The criminal, Lachlan Corruss, was caught and convicted after a five year long hunt. By then they had murdered, mutilated and/or cannibalized at least 47 victims. It was noted that DNA-matching was the single possible method of identification.  
"There's several of you dying every day simply from tripping over security railings and ending up a colorful paste somewhere in the bottom sectors. That doesn't upset you?   ... But you're upset about me hunting a single one of you every two months?   Considering your birthrates, its not like your population is dwindling because of what I've done. I don't really see the problem."
— From an interview with convict Lachlan Corruss
  There was also a much more recent case, dated 10 years ago, where another region of Shancury uncovered a total of 21 victims over the span of 3 years. Again, the modus operandi was strikingly similar but the main suspect at the time, Lon Baize, avoided arrest and vanished. His remains were later found and recovered in the lower sectors of the region along with what was assumed to be his last victim. Cause of death was recorded as 'unresolved'.  
An instance of Bellmoral's regional countryside law office responded to the inquiry by providing some details of a case dated 79 years ago. It appears that, over the course of 12 years, Ristocer Degaulkner was sought across numerous states and cities before finally being caught within this office's county. Additional victims kept being found even after his execution, ending at a total of 112 counted murders.  
On Beckinsal there are at least three cases that are suspected to deal with the same individual, based primarily off of similarity in modus operandi.   A search through the JNBC archives resulted in a 45 year old case that is very similar to the recent 'Elsevale Ghoul' case. A total of 14 victims was attributed to a Jacoma Ricksky-Snove, all found within the city of Ostos. They were never apprehended, listed as being found dead shortly after the discovery of the 14th victim. Cause of death listed as 'unresolved'.   The most famous case was dubbed the 'Thief of a Hundred Faces' in planetary media, and gave rise to widespread fear as well as led to the ongoing JNBC investigation into several security-officals related institutions. The first victim of Annias Isa-Awad was found brutally mutilated and cannibalized in their apartment 23 years ago. For two years, a total of 52 citizens fell victim to the serial killer while the world's security forces struggled to catch them.   A number of security officers interviewed in relation to the current investigation have all similarly said this was majorly due to contradictory witness statemens, making identification of the criminal extremely difficult. It appears that the current General-Director Pellian-Desyk also had acted strangely and made a number of questionable decisions, as well as involving an unknown outside party. It's also come to light that Pellian-Desyk delayed the execution of the criminal, once convicted, for a rather significant length of time.   The most recent case was similarly highlighted with its own moniker, the 'Elsevale Ghoul', though appear to have largely been isolated to local media. The first victim was found 2 years ago, and the 9th only four months ago. Shortly after the 9th murder the district's director Elgin Graff-Iner unexpectedly signed for retirement and vanished shortly after. As no more victims have been found since there's an ongoing investigation whether the two events are related.  

Current Whereabouts

If assuming the last missing person and the sudden, long-term silence of the 'Elesvale Ghoul' are related, it's possible that the individual may be undergoing a new process of 'replication'.   Following the emerging pattern found upon examining evidence here on Beckinsal and the information that so far has been shared with nearby worlds, there's a chance that the individual is looking to leave the planet in search of new, fresh hunting grounds elsewhere.

Identity Data

Alive (Presumed)
Known Iteration(s)
Lachlan Corruss
Ristocer Degaulkner
Jacoma Ricksky-Snove
Annias Isa-Awad
Lon Baize
Elgin Graff-Iner (Unconfirmed)
Congenital Analgesia
Primary Psychopathy
Societal Parasite
Serial Killer
Known Languages
Current Residence
Previous Residence(s)
Avernon City (Beckinsal)
Elesvale (Beckinsal)
Ostos City (Beckinsal)

On 'Replication'

During the final weeks before their scheduled execution the individual began to interchangeably refer to themselves in both first and third person at an increasing frequency. While it could be easily overlooked in casual conversation the reexamination of recordings in tandem with Dr. Blon’s notes has made the fact a lot more obvious.  
"You forced my hand, the way you insist on disrupting my life."   "Did you kill her?"   "Why would I do that? I need her."   "You will tell us where she is."   "I don’t think you understand. This conversation is amusing but ultimately pointless. All I can do is try to not die prematurely out of boredom in here. All you can do is hope that I don’t remember you."   "What do you mean?"   "I don’t like having my life disrupted. And I tend to be vindictive."   "Is that a threat?"   "Maybe. I can’t really speak for me anymore."
— Last recorded conversation between Annias Isa'Awad & G.D. Pellian-Desyk
  The particular piece of recording attached above is what is believed to be what former General-Director Pellian-Desyk was referencing to in the recording detailed in JBNSC-BAIGR-03-A1.   It's not clear what exactly 'replication' entails or why the involvement of a victim is a key part of the process, but it's currently assumed to mean the individual is capable of some form of self-cloning.

Physical Characteristics

Formalizing an official description of the individual has proven close to pointless, as accounts given by both witnesses and different officials conflict with each other. Below is a list of traits that so far seem unison for every iteration discovered so far.  
  • The individual predominantly appear as of the eörpan species, with the iteration Annias Isa-Awad being the sole exception of a rare eörpan/lusoyan hybrid.
  • The individual always presents as male but acts pansexual/pangender.
  • The individual is always of an appearance that is perceived as handsome and appealing by the culture they're currently within.
  • The individual is always wearing outfits considered fashionable in the region they're currently in, often giving an impression of some wealth and status.
“I can’t stop thinking about those eyes. Intense, deep eyes that captivate and draws you in, you know. You just want to drown in them.   He wore such a disarmingly warm, charming smile. He was so… genuine, so… so nice to me."
— Description given by a still smitten survivor

Mental Characteristics


The illusion of a functional moral compass is abundantly utilized as a tool. It’s not unexpected that they deduced that a friendly approach typically generates better, more useful, and convenient responses than a callous attitude. Blending in within the social group they’ve chosen to nest among is perceived as both a necessity for survival and a source of entertainment.   Still, it’s clear they feel neither guilt or remorse over hurting others – both physically, mentally, and emotionally – would such be perceived as necessary to achieve their goals. Anyone is fair game to their calculated ruthlessness and there’s no hesitation to lie, deceive, and manipulate.


The final summary provided by the doctor described the individual as a calculating, unemphatic, and self-centered predator of high intelligence. Their primary motivation is the preservation and continuation of the self, followed closely by what they themselves expressed as ‘fighting a pervasive sense of boredom’.   They appear to not derive a sense of personal fulfilment in only hunting for sustenance or going through repeated cycles of 'replication', and may experience an increasing need for satisfactory intellectual stimulance.   The planning, execution, and aftermath of hunts have grown significantly more elaborate and intricate over the years. This includes being more choosy about certain qualities in their victims and increasing the length they will go at in order to involve themselves in victims lives before and after. And also overall increasing the level of effort they appear to put into nestling themselves into the society they've chosen as hunting ground by appearing as one of its regular citizens.   It's been hinted that the amount of attention they've recently received from security officals has also become considered a part of their 'game'.

Social Aptitude

  The majority of witnesses have described the individual with adjectives pointing to a very extrovert personality, and they appeared able to leave a strong and lasting first impression on those they meet. In social contexts they’re considered pleasant, charming, engaging, talkative, and gregarious.   According to the studies and conclusions made by Dr. Blon, these traits are likely all superficial and the result of the trained behaviors of a predator specialized in ‘hiding in plain sight’.
“Based on the observations made during my last few sessions with Annias, they have exhibited many of the signs attributed to primary psychopathy. Whether this should be quantified as a medical condition or simply is a natural behavior originating from being of a predatory species is something I lack the knowledge and understanding to make fair judgment of."
— Excerpt from Dr. Blon's Profiling Journal
Dr. Blon has further attributed them with an above-average level of intelligence and predisposition toward rationality. The affective empathy is described as feigned and possibly non-existent, making them only able to understand emotions on a purely academic level. Thus, the sociability exhibited is likely a combination of deliberate decision making, high cognitive empathy, and an aptitude in learning social codes in order to exhibit behaviors that are both expected and congenial.   Post the cognitive tests, there appeared to be a visible shift in the individual’s behavior and a showing of what Dr. Blon described as ‘the baring of the core’.   It was during this period their incapability of truly understanding the emotions and point of view of others became the most evident. They are also proved prone to broadly clump together and generalize concepts such as other species, ethnicities, cultures, or other social groups, while always attributing uniqueness and inflated importance to themselves and their needs.
“I started to get interesting results when Annias was faced with cognitive tests that couldn’t easily be completed just by drawing from their typical repertoire of responses.   Most of the responses to different stimuli were clearly a combination of rational thinking and cold calculation.   Unexpected answers and results to these responses seemed difficult to process and were met with weighted silence.   These could be signs of a lacking imagination and ability to fantasize, which would match well with their previously expressed difficulty in understanding the concept of ‘dreaming’.”
— Excerpt from Dr. Blon's Profiling Journal


The individual is described as self-possessed and assertive, which correlates to the behavior observed on visual recordings collected from the Terion Penal Facility. During all interactions between fellow convicts, staff, and interviewers the individual remained at a level temper with no outward signs of anger, fear, distress, or anxiousness.   Most notably the individual appeared to lack a proper fear response even if exposed to potentially dangerous/harmful situations and remained unnaturally calm and rational even if put under high levels of stress and pressure.   This doesn’t necessarily mean the individual is incapable of producing positive or negative valence from situations they were exposed to, only that it’s possible they don’t occur as instinctual reactions during the present moment.
“We had this guy, he… uh, didn’t keep all his jam in the jars if you know what I mean? This guy blew his lid over something they said, swearing and grabbing a utensil and stabbed them in the chest. They didn’t even flinch. Just grabbed the guy’s arm so tight he dropped it after like, the third stab or something.   We’d come running in at that point and I think they said something but couldn’t hear what. Everybody's avoided them since.   … Uh, well... The guy was found in a janitor’s closet a day later and no one knows how he got there. As dead as could be with a rag stuffed in his mouth. Heard some rumors every single bone in his arms and legs were broken. Think he might have died from the pain."
— Interviewed Terion Warden

Cover image: by Nimin N.


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Jul 11, 2023 23:42 by Keon Croucher

This is one sick individual. Well thought up. My goodness. You really sell it well, the sort of dangerous individual being discussed here.

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Jul 12, 2023 14:07 by Nimin N

Thank you, I appreciate it. I was a bit hesistant at first if I should go with this one or come up with something else, but hopefully I managed to balance the writing and ensure the possibly sensitive topics only shallowly touched on.

Jul 12, 2023 18:28

Now, don't judge me too harshly... I have a soft spot for monsters. But this cracked me up.

fighting a pervasive sense of boredom’.
  Also, I love him. In a "I would watch from afar and not want to be murdered by him" sort of way.   And I can appreciate that he took the stabbing and then extracted a price later on. << I get that.   ANYWAY, lovely evil dude all around. <3

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Jul 13, 2023 09:55 by Nimin N

Thank you! Was really interesting doing research into psychopathy for this one in order to do his personality justice, and I've always enjoyed writing villainous characters! I think it's those GMing roots still digging deeply - the best thing was having your players get really engaged about the current story's main antagonist. :)

Jul 13, 2023 13:54

Yes! I feel that so much. It's not enough to have a *generic* evil, I like it to make sense and either BE evil - like this guy - or one of clash of ideologies. The research is definitely apparent, though! I've done it before for similar reasons so it thrilled me more so to see it in another character

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Jul 14, 2023 15:12 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is so fascinating, detailed, and well written. I can't believe that this is a Summer Camp article! <3   Absolutely terrifying, I don't want to come across them.

Jul 15, 2023 07:43 by Nimin N

Thank you! I spent way more time on this article than intended but it was such an enjoyable piece to research and write. I couldn't help myself getting really invested in it once I had finished the document prompt (which was meant to be just an additional quote here but got way too long, and ended up fitting that prompt pretty well).

Jul 14, 2023 20:27

I do not know if it is just a fantasy of my brain, but after reading the article I have the feeling the portrait is watching me. Like one of those where you can't be sure if they look at you or not.   Great work, hell of a ride.

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Jul 15, 2023 08:40 by Nimin N

Thank you, I really appreciate it. <3

Jul 16, 2023 08:55 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

A very fascinating character. I really love the concept around them and how you've chosen to present this article <3

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jul 16, 2023 11:34 by Nimin N

Thank you! Glad you liked it!

Aug 7, 2023 18:55 by Absinthe

As a goth girl I would crush his heart with my tiny fist and then en pointe dance on his corpse.

Aug 10, 2023 09:13 by Nimin N

That'd be a deserved fate for them.