Ryune Geographic Location in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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The Bright Lands

When humanity came to these lands, they named them the Bright Lands, because this land was so dramatically different than the blighted lands they were fleeing from. Life in this new land was not easy, and in the intervening centuries, mankind has faced many challenges and laid claim to the majority of the Coastal Realms. Conflicts and coalitions have come and gone between humans and the Elves of the Elfwood, the Orcs of the Bitter North, and the Goblins of the Miasma. Contact, both good and ill, has been had with the Hobgoblins of the Narrow Steppe, and the Dwarves of the Dwarven Mountains.   Only the humans refer to these lands as the Bright Lands.  The other denizens refer to it as Ryune.


  • Ryune
Alternative Name(s)
The Bright Lands
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Creek River by Free-Photos from Pixabay


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