Elf Species in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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Elves spend most of their lives within the Elfwood. Usually only venturing out in small war parties to seek vengeance upon those they feel have wronged them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Elven names grow longer as an elf ages.  When recited, an elven name tells the story of it's bearers life in brief.  This covers both accomplishments and failures.  All noteworthy aspects of an elves life become part of their ever growing name.  As such, elves often go by nicknames.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Language is something Elves prefer to not use.  Preferring instead to embrace a oneness with nature embodied by the Wyld.  Because of this, their musically elegant language is complex in its simplicity.  A single sentence in Elvish is the equivalent of a heavy and wordy tome in the language of the humans.

Common Myths and Legends

Elves hold that all things above the ground, and below the sky, belong to the Elves.  They call this realm Wod E'ian, and consider most non-elven peoples as interlopers

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Elves consider Humans to be impulsive and dangerous. The Elven term for Human is "Houm Yan", which sounds similar to "Human", but, in Elvish, means something like "foolish child who runs headlong into the blade and laughs as they die."
  Elves are vicious creatures. They are lithe and slender, and have dagger sharp teeth. They can disappear when they turn sideways.
300 years
Average Height
5' 9"
Average Weight
115 lbs.
Geographic Distribution
Related Materials

Cover image: Forest Mist by Free-Photos from Pixabay


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