Penmillion Settlement in The Bridging Lands | World Anvil
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The city of Penmillion stands on top of a large hill on top of the previous city that once stood there. With a backdrop of rich, luscious fields, the city was built as the first line of defence against invaders and remains so to this day. The fields provide most of the food needed by the city. They were also influential when it came to architectural designs as many of the buildings and streets have been built with open elements to mimic the openness and vastness of the fields around them.   After being raised to the ground during the final year of the Blanchian Rule and given its strategic positioning, Eaglehaven, Pinerest, Bruderhead and Winterhurst all agreed that Penmillion should be rebuilt. Contrary to most cities in the Bridging Lands, Penmillion crept upwards rather than sprawling too far down the sides of the hills.   Penmillion is a multicultural city. Hundreds of bakeries, coffeehouses and theme restaurants offer a plethora of culinary choices for the wide-variety of soldiers that rotate through the academy or any of the five satellite camps that Penmillion oversees. Health services are also top-notch in the city, with many a soldier brought here to be healed when other healers fail to help them.


Human (30%), Elf (18%), Dwarf (15%), Draconae (13%), Orc (10%), Aurir (9%), Others (5%)


A total of five concentric square walls surround the city, with towers spaced out so no stretch of the wall is left undefended. The exterior wall is 20 feet thick, 80 feet tall, and made solid stone. Towers every 100 feet offer additional protections. The inner walls are slightly shorter and thinner at 60 feet tall and 15 feet wide.


The walled city is built around the stronghold and the surrounding military academy. All the buildings are built of limestone. Any wooden structures are using steelwood or black oak. The sewers are built to flow from the top down and are both regularly patrolled by the city guards and booby-trapped in specific places.


Penmillion started as a small trading post on the Trade Highway. It quickly grew as a major city by providing essential services to travellers. It established itself as a city-kingdom in 946. With this status, it grew further and made use of the thermal pools as well as the unique medicinal herbs growing locally to attract healers and researchers from across the Bridging Lands.   Although Penmillion was not the first Free City to fall to the Blanchard Dynasty, Blanchard Rule is deemed to have started when they invaded Penmillion. The Blanchian transformed Penmillion into a military town. During the fighting that led to the Rebirth of Freedom, Penmillion was raised to the ground then rebuilt once the Free Cities from the Pinelands were able to pool their resources since they could not cope with the influx of refugees.
Alternative Name(s)
The Stronghold
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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