The Messenger Corps Organization in Pronathea | World Anvil

The Messenger Corps

"Yeah, you got your mail yet?... No?... Okay, well you gotta talk to the Messenger Corps then, they'll find your mail."
— A person, somewhere

The People's Postage

  Operating as a worldwide guild, the Messenger Corps fulfill a very important function in the operations of the Eight Lands. It facilitates long distance communication and deliveries to everywhere that they can reach reliably.   Their service network includes the majority of the main continent, as well as Leighia, Horn, Cinia, and Durmouth, however portions may be unavailable seasonally or perpetually. Iscoania is not part of their service network as the lack of hospitality from the Iscoanian kanen saw them driven out.   There are not many places that they can't reach, and once they take on a delivery to a region, they will not stop their delivery for any reason. Should a Messenger die on the course of their journey, their pack transports itself to the nearest Messenger Corps station and their deliveries taken on by another Messenger. All fallen Messengers are held in high regard by the Corps, and their immediate families are welcome to use the Corps' services at no charge for the rest of their lives.  

A Presence at your Doorstep

  While there may be other facilities for similar services, the Messenger Corps have an infamously secret travel network that makes them able to compete with the best at non-teleportation deliveries. What they lack in teleportation, they make up for with the fact that you do not have to worry about the flavour of your posted items affecting its delivery. However, the Corps does suggest that all packages be flavourless when possible as flavours sometimes make a mess enroute.   Since their inception several hundred years ago, the Messenger Corps has successfully delivered more than five trillion packages and letters across the Eight Lands. For an updated number of successful deliveries, visit your local Messenger Corps station and their sendings will apprise you of their latest statistics.

Communication without Cessation

Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
The Corps, the Messengers


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Nov 12, 2021 07:36

Is the lack of links intentional? Now I get curious on the names of countries (or cities?) and the search bar is... well, when I type "Leighia" in it, it answers "currency".

Nov 12, 2021 07:46 by Andrew

That would be because I have yet to write the country articles, so the only place that would have Leighia being mentioned in significance would be the currency article. I'll update to include the links to them anyway, but yeah they aren't written. Sorry about that!