Runescribe Jeweller Profession in Pronathea | World Anvil

Runescribe Jeweller

"See, this is delicate work, you get one rune wrong and you might as well just restart! It could be disastrous to use an improperly scribed piece of jewelry!"
— The mentor of a runescribe jeweller

Delicate Hands

  The work of the runescribe jewellers is known across the Eight Lands, though none of their work is ever available off the shelf. Every piece that a runescribe creates is completely to the specifications of the commissioner, and the process to inscribe the runes required for whatever item that they wished to have made can take anywhere from days to months.   It is uncommon to find runescribe jewellers outside of the capital cities as that is where their services are most demanded, but on occasion you may find one willing to take up a commission from someone on their travels. If one does take up a travelling commission, constant input and communication is necessary, as well as a significant initial conversation to begin the process of creating the commissioned item.   Everything in an item commissioned with a runescribe jeweller is handmade and constructed by the runescribe so that it all has the proper arcane harmonics.  

Disastrous Dissolution

  There have been moments in the history of the runescribe jewellers that the slighest mistake has caused significant damage to both the runescribe and their work. One particularly well known moment involved a runescribe, a barrel, four glass vials, a monkey, and a keg of gunpowder. No one has quite been able to ascertain how the monkey was involved in the process, but it's believed that the commissioner had some strange requests for the runescribe and insisted upon them.   Since then, all extraneous items are kept removed from the work area of a runescribe jeweller, both for their own protection and the protection of their property. There have been far fewer incidents since this policy was adopted by the majority of runescribe jewellers.
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Nov 7, 2021 12:30

Beautiful article and I belive it can be greatly expanded.   For instance runescribers may be waiting for specific big events. Like full moon, Nov, appearance of planets, comets and similar important dates.

Nov 7, 2021 19:26

One particularly well known moment involved a runescribe, a barrel, four glass vials, a monkey, and a keg of gunpowder.
I have so many questions and I would love to read this story so badly. xD I had a proper giggle about that.   I'd love to know what an apprentice runescribe has to go through. How do you apply to become one? What skills are required, and do you need a certain background? Just wondering. ^^   Keep up the good work! :D

Nov 7, 2021 19:27 by Andrew

Some may take you under their wing and mentor you, others simply won't let you apprentice with them. As for skills, a steady hand, a keen eye, and some magical talent is all that's required!