Scarlet Marsh Geographic Location in Omari | World Anvil

Scarlet Marsh

Despite my ability to breathe underwater, I was advised by local scientists to use protective gear while traversing the area. The air was thick with fungal spores and the red water was too volatile to risk passing it through my system.
Birki Kroon's travel blog
Located in the Southeast of Omari, this patch of wetlands was named after its crimson hue that is so intense, it's visible from space. Although it is inhospitable, various forms of life still manage to thrive. The general area is often described as "alien like" by both tourists and locals.


Sticky, humid air fills the marsh making it hard for unacclimated people to breathe. This area of the main island is warmer than the rest of the region. It does cool in the late fall and winter, but typically does not experience snow unless there are extreme weather changes for that particular season. Travel is ill advised unless necessary; visitors will have the safest trip during the late winter and early spring when spore levels and temperatures are low.
The soil is saturated in moisture and hard to traverse; sturdy, mold resistant walkways were installed for ease of passage. Many patches of water are scattered through the swamp. All of the water is dangerous to consume unless heavily treated or cleansed. Both the soil and water typically have high acidity levels.

Flora and Fauna

A variety of different species evolved over time to live in this area; some are unique and cannot be found anywhere else. The fungi, microbes, insects, and plants outweigh everything else. There are several animals found within, though the conditions are a bit too harsh for most creatures.
Notible species include:
  Giant Rhodotus Mushrooms   Red Algae   Stink Frog    


The Scarlet Marsh is home to only one small village. It is called Volestein and is located in the South Eastern segment of the swamp. This settlement is comprised of several buildings on stilts and docks; it is far from a tourist attraction and receives little to no visitors year round.

Why is the Water Red?

  Before scientists looked into it, many locals believed the crimson hues were the mark of a curse or other divine warning. In reality, the explanation is far less ominous. It's actually a sign that the local ecosystem is doing well. There is a species of algae that can survive in the harsh conditions; instead of the standard green, they produce a vibrant shade of red from their various metabolic processes.

Cover image: by Krzysiek


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Jul 23, 2021 03:18 by Cassandra Sojourn

This is a very interesting place! I like your use of icons for the notable species. I am also imagining the map with the big red blob. I hope you include more references to this location.

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