Auden Taffor Character in Linebound | World Anvil

Auden Taffor

The man of skies' end.

People often ask why I believe what I do. This is a complicated question to answer, it took me a long time to see it and even longer to realize how I knew it. To give you the simplest answer I can, all I can say is:   Everything ends.
— Auden Taffor, The Ender's Journey

Former Jamairan Scholar

Born and raised in Darapur by middle-income parents, Auden was able to recieve a good early education and eventually join Jamaira as a student and later as a researcher. He did research involving the breeding of staple crops and how they might be able to better resist blight, frost, and the like. However, when he began talking about the end of the sky - and didn't stop talking about it - he was eventually forced to leave the university.

Searching for the End

While almost everyone believes the skies to stretch forever onward in every direction - especially since the beginning of the Time of Exploration - Auden Taffor believes that existance cannot be infinite. His reasoning involves a variety of factors but he always notes first when explaining it that everything breaks, every civilization falls, and every person dies, so why would the skies be any different?   He has made it his mission to procure a skyship and sail onward until he finds the edge of the sky and proves himself correct. He isn't sure exactly what he will find but has speculated that all of existence is surrounded by unending storms - like those of the Floor - but that these storms are all too far away to see. He has also suggested that upon reaching one side of the sky that it would loop back on itself and would find oneself on the opposite side.


Auden is a young man with medium-length brown hair and eyes to match. He wears several layers of brightly colored clothes and certainly stands out in the crowds of Darapur. He usually leaves a bit of facial hair to make himself look older and more mature - and to be more convincing. Compared to other people who fancy themselves explorers, Auden prefers appearance over function.

Stub Article

This article is just a stub for now and will be expanded upon later.

Old Article

This article was written in the past and does not meet my current standards for any number of article quality, layout, or content.

In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.

The Gamble

Auden has used his charm to convince others to donate to his cause as he saves up the funds to buy a skyship, offering them a part in the journey or the glory of proving everyone else wrong. He uses some of this money to keep up his lifestyle and whenever it looks like he will lose all of his contributors, he finds a way to make them stay.   This eventually led to him saying that - according to his calculations - with four years and a skyship, he would be able to prove his theory and return to tell everyone about it. People started placing bets on whether he would succeed. They just didn't know that the person taking the bets worked for Auden.

Character Portrait image: Auden Taffor by Paul Norris with PortraitWorks


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