The Black Rune Plot in Koria | World Anvil

The Black Rune


Major content spoiler. This is the public visible plot for the novel "The Black Rune". We will discussing major plot points, highlights and potential outcomes of various key scenes. Also we discuss relationships between different characters and potential strategies and/or tragedies.   If you want to read ahead, you were warned. And if you dive willingly into the plot: have fun. :)

Letter of Introduction

  This plot (and the novel) are taking place a few years after the tragic events surrounding the dark sorcerer and the mage who stopped him, Orwan Ulera. We are experiencing the novel through the eyes of Aelurie, a High Elf shortly after their transition from their Belerion-phase to their Isif-phase. Humans would call it puberty.   Take a seat, grab a cup of whatever you want to drink and lets explore what Aelurie is finding outside their lush green forest which what they called home.    


  We witness the events of the drama which unfolds at the University, the aftermath and the burial surrounding Orwan Ulera through the eyes of Iliria. We witness her heartbreak, her suffering, her lonely nights before we divert our gaze away from her, giving her space and solitude.   Back in the lands of the High Elves in the capital of Aeluinstaror, we see through the eyes of a council ministers the city and the conference which concerns the events mentioned above. Word traveled fast and the message from the demon possessed/influenced Headmaster had reached the Elves. So they agree on a strategy how to get more information out of the teacher. Or maybe even get relics back or secure specific spells or notes before those things can deal damage again.   So with the acceptance of the Dovare the Divora conjur up a plan and got it approved by the Dovare. Now to the execution.    

Act 1


  Aelurie is being trained in various classes. Be it alchemy, chemistry, the languages of dwarves and humans, a bit of fighting with swords, words and dagger or shooting with a bow or the basics of the usage of magic and the Eternal Runes. Until the day arrives where they were accepted by the University of Hulwar, then they couldn't think of anything else.   They have a friend (name here) who is their best friend and advisor (only a few decades older) and sometimes cuddle-/kissing-buddy. No relationship, just two elves who are being good to each other.   We get to know the family of Aelurie, their habits and a lot of traditional stuff like praying, cooking and sewing. Their hunting skills are basic, not extraordinary or above average. They had a bit of knowledge about smithing different materials, but their crafting skills are basic, at least by elven standards.   Also we accompany them during their lessons in theoretical and practical magic and in their more advanced lessons in runic lore and their abilities.   We see the arrival of an Owlpanther with the letter of acceptance from the University.

Getting to know the world and the university

  The last lesson, the last good or bad advice, a few shy kisses, a meal, a hug and the last night inside the canopy and the open sky with the blinking stars: Aelurie is getting ready for their trip to the university, accompanied by one of the Eilhovar elves, their parents and the two older siblings.   Their luggage consists of: a cloak with two dozen little pockets, a Shortsword, a Dagger, rations for a week, a backpack with a few selfmade tools and spare clothing, the acceptance letter from the University, parchment, quills & ink, steel and firestone, two crystals for storing magical energy, a ring and a necklace which are both an enhancer in case the other one is destroyed, stolen, lost or otherwise inoperable.       They travel twenty days - a bit over two weeks - to the University and arrive three days before the trimester starts (1st Zephrion). A bit rugged, a bit shaken by various things during their travel (Garladans maybe or just highwaymen). They are getting treated, sorted into the ranks and houses before getting to know the subjects. Maybe they have chosen it beforehand?

Finding friends at the university

  Aelurie has a few problems to get to know the layout of the university and their timetable. Everything is structured and not so agile as they were expecting. We observe them while they wriggle their way through the various classes, starting with mathematics, advanced spellcasting and runic knowledge to alchemy and languages.   During this time they learn about the events that happened only a few years ago and which explain the state of the University with a cracked tower and why Iliria always looks so thin, absent and sad. They tried to talk to her, but the adult teacher is not up for conversation. Not right now.   But also they are starting to make friends. They meet a couple and - over the time - develop a relationship between all three of them. Knowing, that after their time at the University they probably depart ways for a very long time.   This is the first time Aelurie starts to sneak around the chambers of the teachers, to learn their layout and who sleeps were. To gather information and to learn more about the events which finally lead into the cataclysm which destroyed one of the towers and killed Orwan Ulera.

Exams & Foes

  Aelurie somehow made some enemies. Not the playful (and often deadly) rivalry between the houses, but real-life enemies. Not because of their species, but because they were a threat. They were better at casting, at alchemy and a lot of theoretic stuff, mathematics excluded. They intervened in a ritual of some kind and is now the target of various students. Which resulted in nearly deadly consequences. So Aelurie crafted a few spells which should keep them save. And their friends too. Better safe than sorry.   This all happens during the really stressful times of the exams period with at least two exams per day. After one week of exams, writing the hell out of their fingers, Aelurie and her partners collapse into one bed to cuddle and to recharge. Which resulted in a very drained, very deep sleep. And maybe some dreamy kisses, who knows?   One of those nights Aelurie uses to sneak into the old headmasters chambers which are still under re-construction. All of his belongings were moved, so they try to find them during the next evenings/nights. They find a good amount of information and a dairy and maybe the first hints to the Black Rune.  

Act 2

The Power of Magic

  The students who hasn't failed the exams are lead out into the fields on the other side of the river to be shown powerful magic. As an example and a warning, how dangerous uncontrolled magic can be. The danger from behind the veil were shown in every detail through the first weeks in various classes. Maybe the teacher lures a demon into a trap to show what they are capable of.


  Results from the exams are coming in and the last deadly attempt of their rivals throw Aelurie back in the medica. Here we see the workings of some of the healing potions and a bit of love between their partners. Are we forming a longer lasting relationship? Who knows.   During their time in the medica Iliria visits and is finally starting to open up a bit. Aelurie is an Elf with a lot of experience in their body and mind, so why not talk to someone who is probably wiser than a human? Goal of this is to develop a certain friendship, nothing more.   Shortly after this Aelurie goes into the Underground, following some archaeology students. There they had to hide from some floating demon and stumble over a small locked box. They bring it back to their room and start to fiddle with it. Ultimately inside the box is the book which describes the Black Rune and the demonic instructions which the headmaster has recieved.   Shortly after finding it some teacher and students behave a bit different than usual. Something is amiss and they try to find out what it is.

Going underground (again)

Aelurie starts to dig more into the things which are lurking in the Underground. They discover the workings of Orwan which means bannisters, spells, markings and protection runes. Including the demons locked up behind those portals.   Their letters to the Elves recieve an answer and their guess is that certain factions (including the Inquisition) are trying the same as Aelurie: gather information on the events and maybe steal whatever the Black Rune created or the Black Rune itself.   The ministers - to Aeluries confusion - strongly advise them to send the Black Rune instructions to the capital Aeluinstaror, which is a strange advise while Aelurie is surrounded by foes and only a few friends. They do not even give Aelurie a date or the possibility to give the book to a messenger or an Owlpanther which strikes them odd.   So they decide to keep the book until they have graduated which is the last letter they send for a long time. The response isn't coming for a long time.

Fear the Wheel of Time

  The problem with having foes and friends alike is that the former might attack the latter. And because Aelurie is not there most of the time searching for answers, their foes attack their partners. Both are heavily injured and only with magic the medica and Aelurie can save them. Because of this they are assigned the next rank, the rank of a Worthern, the next rank. One left.   These events stir a fear in Aeluries heart they thought they would never experience: the fear of losing someone to time.   So deep in their heart they decide to study the instructions for the Black Rune and the possibilities. In the end they love their partners. And love is a justification for a lot of things, right?   In the end Aelurie developes a spell which they craft into a small silver ring for each of their partners (ha, the Silver Elf wearing a Silver Ring... hahaha...) which "binds" them to Aelurie. It does not force them to love Aelurie, but it enhances their feelings and keeps them in place. In addition they are now bound to the High Elf and the spell doesn't allow them to age, not to hurt themselves or Aelurie or intervene or do things which can distract their plans.   While crafting the rings they are thinking about a project which is ultimately their entry to the rank of a Terthern, the last rank one can achive as a student and it is their ticket to graduation. We are talking about a set of rings and bracelets which can project thoughts into the air so people can visualise what they are thinking. It has flaws and design problems, but it works.   To have undying partners with their undying (forced) love made Aelurie happy and a bit less concerned. At least not about their partners dying. But there are still demons, assassins, people from various factions and exams in the way of graduation!

Act 3

Preps, chores, more learning

As one of the Terthern, Aelurie has to study a lot more than they expected. The studies, projects and homeworks are getting longer, more intense and complicate. They also build a small bookcase for the Black Rune instructions and teach their partners in fighting, a bit of casting and the human female in the elvish language.


  Exams are a chore and they are hard. It results in another long cuddle phase where all three just sleep in the same bad to recharge. There is also the next murder attempt, this time in the field and Aelurie (in their male form) isn't having any of this. It is the first time they show their skills. Ever had a screaming homing ball of energy coming at you?

Graduating thrice

  The first event which was going to happen was graduation with a certificate and a ring which says yes, the wearer of this ring with this sigil is indeed a certified mage. It contains a small amount of blood which binds it to the wearer, so it can't be counterfeit.   The second event occours right after the gradutation. Normally people have a week to sort their things, get their projects done or scrapped and trying to fetch a ride to where ever. While Aelurie and their partners are just doing that, they are cornered by some Garladans and a few Inquisitors in the scrapyard. An uncommon sight and Aelurie never had seen Garladans in real life. Beautiful and deadly.   The three fresh mages decimate and trap the attackers in the scrapyard and run for their life. It was dangerous enough in Koria, they don't need to be persecuted by the most dangerous people on top of it.   As their actions had consequences they decide to leave the continent. They three with their love (and lingering madness, but that is a topic for another time), the Black Rune in their luggage, fears and the hope for a new home. They board a ship, bribe the captain - with gold, not with spells, silly! - and sail into the sunset, on the search for a new safe home.
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Cover image: Koria Main Header by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


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Dec 16, 2023 18:01

Congratulations on writing this article, which has lots of interesting ideas (character Aelurie - very nice name - two in one body, owl panther, black rune) and promises an exciting reading experience. But I would like to know what the actual trigger is or if there is a trigger why Aelurie wants to know more about the events and the death of the teacher? They could have cared less.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

Psst join the Copper-Party during Summer Camp 2024 and I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
Dec 16, 2023 20:38

Aelurie couldn't care less. The tellings from teachers and students alike are more than enough to satisfy their curiosity. They are trained to be a spy, it is the ministers (and ultimately the council of the High Elves) who are curious and since you can't just waltz into the University asking around stuff you shouldn't know the only people there who are not looked like they appeared out of thin air are students, teachers and maintenance folks. So they have a double role for her.

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Dec 16, 2023 23:37


You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events