The great shift Myth in Kingsmaker | World Anvil

The great shift

"The oracle of Victory Äala Onrust has spoken.
The oracle nest has received a disturbing prophecy that speaks of a great shift of power.
The sisters of the nest are still discussing and evaluating the details."

Senator Spel
It was an evening like any other. Äala was meditating, her winged claw caressing the nest, palm laying flat on the shimmering surface.
Feeling the arcane energy of the Veil filling up every cell of her avian body she eventually was able to hear the familiar voice.

The sisters of the nest were standing around her in a half-circle rhythmically swinging incense curlers containing the secret ingredients to briefly achieve true tranquillity.
A state, necessary to spiritually venture deep into the cocoon-like nest they were devoted to. They were watching as the young hawk's suddenly looked up, eyes wide open, but with the emptiness of the void residing in the now pupilless eyeballs.
Oracle Onrust was now far away from them, able to communicate with the wise being residing within that alien egg.

The era of darkness comes to an end, my child.
The crime against us all will finally get punished.
Gifted devotees of the cause will rise up and against an ancient enemy.
A group determined to set right the wrong.
To judge over the crime that caused what you call the 'erased timeline.
Powers will shift and much will change in the coming millennium.
So much that the world needs guidance to not make the wrong choices.
Everything is at the tipping point of change, but if the chalice is not held tight the ancient cracks might shatter it spilling the blood of guilt everywhere.
We can't risk second darkness rising, the prophecy has to be fulfilled!
The great shift is already happening and will not come to a stop until either the darkness or Prius breaks.

Child . . . Äala.
I propose to you the crucial role to keep the chalice intact . . . If you are feeling ready to accept my ultimate gift.
Become my vessel so that we can guard the flow of fate . . . together.

You are the only one of the sisters of the nest I can fully trust.
Your compassion is real, your will unbreakable; your care is reaching far beyond your country.
Think about it, Äala, and if you are ready make contact with me alone.
Press your forehead against my eternal nest and I will know what to do.

Amidst her sisters, Äalas consciousness returned and her amber eyes were now glowing with determination.
The divine oracle chose her and she was ready to follow the calling.
A calling she always felt would sooner or later occur.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
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The oracle Nest

The religion of Do'oshmi got built around a strange artefact, which got discovered 1000 years ago.
Not just the religion but the whole capital city of Kreeze got founded after the people realized what exactly the artefact appeared to be.
Avians, who researched the discovery experienced truthful visions, which prevented a catastrophic wildfire from causing yet another famine.
That avoided event and further warnings convinced the senate to listen.
Those, that were responsive to the visions, convinced the country to found Kreeze, which not soon after got treated as a second spiritual capital city besides Ökten.

The relationship between Senate and the founded Oracle grew closer and more direct in the coming centuries up until the Sisters of the Nest essentially became the spiritual leaders of Do'oshmi.

The public Prophecy

Äala carefully worded the prophecy before sharing it with her sisters, rendering it a little vaguer and crossing out her specific involvement.

If the voice of fate only trusts her with the words spoken, she won't unveil her future role in the fate of the world prematurely.

Cover image: by Vertixico


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Jul 7, 2021 15:03

The prose style at beginning caught me off guard. But it read well and after getting used to it after few sentences, it even prepared reader for the prophecy itself. This resulted into interesting first person encounter with the prophecy.   Just a bit surprised to not see any reference to the relationship between the voice and the oracle until the end of the prophecy.

Jul 7, 2021 15:29 by Soulwing

Fair. I might should add a small sentence before the prophecy to prepare the reader. ^^‘

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.
Jul 7, 2021 15:58 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Very interesting that she chose to keep some detail secrets...

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jul 7, 2021 16:14 by Soulwing

She mostly kept the details a secret because of the unspoken envy between the sisters of the nest. They are all powerful…and dangerous.   And they surely would try to steal her role in the grand design or worse attempt to get rid of her and the repercussions would be quite bad for Do’oshmi‘s politics.

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.