The Binveiku Building / Landmark in Hanzelot | World Anvil

The Binveiku

To protect and cure, by any means necessary.
— Niqob's oath

The ruler of the Garden City protects their inhabitants as they were his precious possessions because they are exactly that. Every person living inside this colorful city full of exuberant flowers, plants and all the things they need to survive must follow The Rules and obey the Lord. The Niqob make sure that everyone follow The Rules. When a inhabitant of the Garden City fails to do so they are considered sick. That's why they need healing and rehabilitation.

Lucky for them, the Niqob are not only guards but also healers with a wide range of tools and tricks to cure those who had lost their way.

Just to look at their gray masks, their dark robes and sharp daggers for eight hours was all the treatment I needed to recover.
— A grateful and healthy patient.

The Binveiku is not a high building. It has two floors and twenty rooms. Every room has enough space for two patients and four Niqob that works on them really hard to cure them of their affliction. The Binveiku was built along with the rest of the Garden City and is one of the most important building, along with The Palace where the Lord lives and the Niqob's headquarters. The facade of the building, as almost every other building in the city, is covered in flowers and plants, but in this case are white or with pale colors to symbolize the peace they bring to their patients and the community.

Most patients are healed between a day or two. When the patients have pronounced symptoms (the attempt to have free will is such a difficult dissease to treat sometimes) they have to stay there under intensive care for at least a week. Sadly, if the illness prolongs for more than two weeks, the patient succumbs and their remains are delivered to the family in the most respectful way: carefully delivered to their house and left on the door for everyone to see it and, of course, mourn with the family.

Needless to say, although never a recovered patient complained about the healing procedures employed by the Niqob, most of the inhabitants try their best to remain in good health. Because, after all, no one likes to be sick. Specially of an illness such destructive as free will.
The best installations and professional to heal the sick


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Jul 4, 2021 20:20

(the attempt to have free will is such a difficult dissease to treat sometimes)
  Goddamn, that is such a great, grim line with such a fantastic, understated delivery. Extremely well done :D   These guys sound like a real dangerous. Are there any one trying to fight them?

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jul 6, 2021 23:07 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

*squints suspiciously at the Niqob*

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet