Yoshana Species in Freesia | World Anvil


The Yoshana of Eft were Made by Timo, the youngest of the Godlings. He combined all the best qualities of newts and humans into one. They are an amphibious race with incredible regenerative properties enhanced in no small part by the energy given off by the crystals.

Basic Information


Resembling humanoid newts, the Yoshana are a bi-pedal race with long tails and slightly webbed hands and feet.

Biological Traits

There are four subspecies of the Yoshana. The Cha Yoshana are the largest sub species and have crests running from their heads down their backs. The San Yoshana are smaller and have hands and feet designed for climbing. The Til Yoshana are the smallest but are able to secrete powerful toxins from their skin. The Ro Yoshana have bony spines which they can cause to protrude from their skin.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce sexually and the mother lays eggs three months later which are kept in communal hatcheries. The eggs hatch into larva after a further 3 months which are then moved to the juvenile pools.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Yoshana go through 3 stages: larva, juveniles and adults. The larva are born with gills and no limbs and resemble elongated tadpoles. This stage lasts for about one year during which time their skeleton develops and their limbs grow in. Once the juvenile stage is reached they are ready to move from the pools onto land. In the first few weeks of this stage their gills fall away and they become able to breathe air and move from the pools onto land. The juvenile stage lasts for about ten years, during this time their skin and skeleton thickens, they move from walking on four legs to walking upright on two and their tails develop fully. At this point they are considered physically adults.

Ecology and Habitats

The Yoshana inhabit the wetlands and temperate rain forests of Eft. As amphibians they are able to survive equally well on land or in water.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Yoshana lack a sense of smell but their skin is very sensitive to changes in atmosphere and environment. They are also able to see underwater as well as they are on land.
60-70 years
Average Height
5-6 ft tall
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Yoshana can range in colour from brownish greens, sandy beiges and even orange. Some have spots or stripes and others are plain.


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Dec 18, 2019 22:19

Do they place any importance on their difference colors or spots?  

They are an amphibious race with incredible regenerative properties enhanced in no small part by the energy given off by the crystals.
  I don't see any explanation what those crystals are; maybe add something about them in the beginning? :)

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.