Condor Panaqa Organization in Four Quadrants | World Anvil
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Condor Panaqa (pah-nah-kwa)

by hughpierre


The leader of the panaqa is typically a member of the Innoit royal family, and the council of elders is made up of nobles and other high-ranking members.  

Panaqa Leader

Every panaqa has its own leader who was responsible for managing the group's resources, mediating disputes, and representing the group to the larger community. The leader of a panaqa is chosen by the group's members and could be either male or female.  

Council of Elders

In addition to the panaqa leader, each panaqa has a council who advise the leader and help to make decisions on behalf of the group. The council is made up of respected members of the panaqa who had proven their wisdom and experience through their actions and contributions to the city. They are also responsible for passing on the traditions and knowledge of the panaqa to the younger generations.


Religious Zealotry

The Yupankip Panaka prides itself as a vital military order, fanatically devoted to defending and making safe the holy mountains in Huanacauri.

Public Agenda

The goal of the royal panaqa is to maintain the wealth and power of the royal family and to serve as a model for other panaqas in the empire.



The well-preserved mummy of the panaqa founder and former Sapa dressed in fine, brightly coloured fabrics, often adorned with intricate embroidery and other decorative elements such as headdresses, jewelry, and featherwork. They are the visual representation of the social and political hierarchy within the empire as it is in the deceased man's name for which the panaqa exerts its will.



The capaccuna is the official list of prominent innoit ayllu, and their respective founder, and who had the right to be called "panaka".
From those records - the most prominent lineages are remembered
Manku Qhapaqpa Panakan (man-ku / ka-pack-paa / pah-nah-kwan)
A royal ayllu that originated from the Chima Panaka Ayllu, who trace their roots back to the earliest days of the innoit arrival. Its members were renowned for their wisdom, bravery, and loyalty to the natural world, and many members of the family were skilled in the art of divination and prophecy. They were often called upon to consult with leaders on matters of state, and their counsel was greatly respected and valued.  
Sinchi Ruq'ap Panakan (sin-chi / roo-cap / pah-nah-kwan)
A royal ayllu that originated from the Rawrawa Panaka Ayllu who were known for their martial prowess during times of war and their ability to lead armies to victory. Many of the empire's greatest military leaders were drawn from their ranks, with the family gaining renowned for bravery and ferocity on the battlefield.  
Lluq'i Yupankip Panakan (YOO-kee / u-pan-kip / pah-nah-kwan)
The current royal ayllu that originated from the Hawaynin Panaka Ayllu who are known for their humility and deep sense of responsibility to the people. They are fiercely loyal to the Sapa and work tirelessly to preserve the culture and way of life of the empire.



The upper set of Hanan Chisneu is associated with Chinchisuyu and Antisuyu.
The name means "Summit" or "Mountain" reflecting the tallest point in the city.
The "Kestrel District" or the "Sparrow Hawk District" located before Piqchu.
The district of Sacsayhuamán where valuable agriculture like coca are delivered.
The "Temple Doorway" lies on root street where unsavory rumours, superstitious services are said to take place.


Auca Runa

A division of renegade nuna runa sworn to the empire in order capitalize on their mastery of aerial combat and tactics.

Ayar Auca

A range division of residents trained to engage enemies from a distance, delivering precise and relentless volleys of projectiles.

Ayar Manco

A historical division known for exceptional stealth and reconnaissance abilities, operating in the rugged terrains they grew up on.   They are tasked with executing surprise attacks, earning a fearsome reputation among their enemies.

Foreign Relations

Taytakura Temples

Actively hostile due to differences in philosophy, talismanic rhetoric and disputes over natural and ceque resources.   Despite attempts at diplomacy, the animosity shows no signs of waning, keeping the region in a perpetual state of tension.

Second Quadrant

Generally cooperative on security matters, but regularly tendentious with regards to manpower obligations in Huanacauri.

Trade & Transport

Sacred Bridge

A rope bridge made of interwoven grasses and plants that spans the Bone River between the Huanacauri and Sacsahuaman hills. The bridge is important, not just for its usefulness in of the lnnoit's transportation system, but so to its spiritual significance in connecting the living and the dead. It is also a symbol of their connection to the natural world and their reliance on the resources of the earth.


Pillow-Faced Architecture

An innovation in construction where three-dimensional chunks of stone interconnect in unique configurations from loose bags of sand and gravel of varied sizes. These bags are made to conform to uneven surfaces and harden into plaster covered walls.
Saqsaywaman occupies the head of the city's puma shape. Dedicated to the sun, this temple stands in Hanan as the counterpart to Qorikancha in Hurin.
The residences of the panacas of the innoit rulers house themselves in a group of buildings surrounding a courtyard, all within an enclosing wall.

Cosmological Views

Every panaka claims 'ownership' over one feature of the Willka Mayu as their sign. Kuntur claims possession of:


A luminous star that leads a trio of stars that move together and in a straight line: Kuntur (condor), Suyuntuy (gallinazo) and Huamán (hawk).
According to tradition, a year's cultivation is assured when they appear brighter than previous; and a hard year, if not.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Cougar Panaqa

A fellow military rival in the political center of the capital with much needed expertise in artistry, research and religion.

Snake Panaqa

A fellow military rival in the sketchy parts of the capital with much needed expertise in secrecy, industry and research.

Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names
  • Kuntur
  • Lluq'i Yupankip Panaka
  • Government System
    Power Structure
    Dependent territory
    Economic System
    Command/Planned economy
  • Ollantaytambo
  • Qollqanpata
  • Huanacauri
  • Gates To Hell
  • Sacsahuaman Hill
  • House of the Devil
  • Major Exports
    Military Aid
    Major Imports
    Official State Religion
    Parent Organization
    Official Languages
    Related Ranks & Titles
    Related Professions
    Related Ethnicities
    Related Plots


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