NEW YEAR´S RESOLUTIONS 2024 in Esarios | World Anvil


As I only created my World Anvil account at the end of 2023, I can't summarize the past year. Instead, I want to focus all the more on 2024. I want to learn how to write articles and how to code with CSS in order to customize my world and design it to my liking. I have two worlds that I want to work on and I hope that World Anvil will motivate me to continue working on them regularly.
My main goal for 2024 is to work out the core content of my worlds and write at least one short story for each world.

General goals:

Write at least 1,000 words each month, resulting in at least 12,000 words by the end of the year
Write at least 1 short story in each world
Start a script for a story in each world
Participate in the summer camp
Participate in interesting challenges and events
Prepare WorldEmber
Participate in WorldEmber. Since it's my first WorldEmber, only 10k words are planned
Learn more about CSS to create beautiful and engaging articles

Goals in Esarios:

I would like to elaborate on the different types of vampires. I want to emphasize the differences, describe their culture and their relationships to each other and how they relate to humans.

I would like to start with the elaboration of the different countries. I would like to describe the landscape, name the peoples living there and how they relate to each other, work out the ruling system and name the most important places and organizations.
Draw map
Country 1
Country 2
Country 3

I would also like to start the first character profiles of important people.

Goals in Azemia:

I would like to elaborate on the different types of dragons. I would like to describe their appearance and habitat and explore their relationships to each other and to other peoples.
Fairy dragon
Water dragon
Sea serpent

I would like to start with the elaboration of the different countries. I would like to describe the landscape, name the peoples living there and how they relate to each other, work out the ruling system and name the most important places and organizations.
Draw map
Country 1
Country 2
Country 3

I also want to start character profiles of important people and think about which races fit into the world.

I will update the article regularly during the year and will hopefully be able to tick off all the tasks by the end of December.

The selected articles will serve as inspiration for my own articles and as motivation to get more involved with CSS.

Harbor Quarter
Settlement | Apr 21, 2024

As your ship slowly sails into the harbor, the splendid sights of Al'nahars harbor quarter greet you - explore its wonders and sights.

by Tyrdal
The article is written so vividly that I can immediately immerse myself in the city and see it in my mind's eye. I love the writing style and the description of the sounds, smells etc. makes the city seem even more real.
Elven festival of the Winter Solstice
Tradition / Ritual | Dec 23, 2023
by Callyxtus
I find it interesting how the festival is celebrated differently in different regions and the descriptions of it.
Silver Glowcap
Species | Dec 17, 2023
by CrazyEddie
I like how their flavor and preparation is described and how they communicate through their spores.
Material | Dec 14, 2023
by Elizabread
I like the idea of fire resistance and how the material is still processed and used.
Kingdom of Oronia
Organization | Dec 12, 2023

One of the most important and influential kingdom in the history of the continent of Teria. The land of brave and tough people and deadly pike phalanxes.

by Callyxtus
It's great how extensively the development of the kingdom is described and how the many details are worked out.
Meadow goblins
Ethnicity | Jun 1, 2024
by Blue Fairy 74
Using the map function for the clothing layers is an excellent idea. The layout and pictures are nice and the explanations are short but contain a lot of information.
Aerynn Vernador
Character | Jan 29, 2024

Aerynn Vernador is a princess and future queen from South Cassel, a healing mage, and a priestess of Saint Nora...

by Chrispy_0
It's a beautifully crafted article where you learn a lot about the character and her relationships and I love the pictures that support the article.
Profession | Dec 22, 2023
by CrazyEddie
It's great how detailed the witches, their training and the difference between good and corrupt witches are described.
Magic Rot
Condition | Dec 26, 2023

A condition caused by misuse of magic.

by ninne124
It is interesting to see the side effects and dangers of magic. It's fun to read the article and it's well designed.
The Moon Izi
Geographic Location | Jun 5, 2024

the Moon Izi is the closest moon to the planet Tarsuros, and the second smallest. It is a volcanic sulfurous hellscape, inhospitable to human life...

by Chrispy_0
It's a very nice, detailed article. I like the layout and the diary entries between the explanations and the pictures that are included.


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Jan 25, 2024 17:34

Thank you so much for your lovely feature.

  I'm looking forward of the development of your worlds. I wish you all the best that you reach your goals. Here’s to a year of fluent writing.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

Psst join the Copper-Party during Summer Camp 2024 and I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
Jan 26, 2024 22:00

Thank you very much. I hope it will be a good year for everyone to write.

Feb 1, 2024 08:29

Well, I didn't expect that - thank you very much for featuring the harbor quarter and all the kind words about it.   Can't wait for all the things you will check on your list and reading more about them.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.