Caelum Maris Building / Landmark in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Caelum Maris (KYE-lum MAH-ris)

Jaxom and Angel's Home

Nestled where the rugged cliffs of Tir na nOg kiss the vast, blue ocean, the home of Jaxom and Angel, known as Caelum Maris, stands as a testament to their love for the boundless sky and the deep sea. This dwelling harmonizes Jaxom’s passion for the aerial realms with Angel’s devotion to the aquatic, creating a space that is both an anchor and a sail.   The architecture of Caelum Maris features a dynamic blend of elements that evoke both the fluidity of water and the expansiveness of air. The structure is built with sweeping curves that mimic waves, while towering, wing-like extensions reach towards the sky, suggesting the freedom of flight that Jaxom cherishes. The materials used—weathered wood from shipwrecks and sleek, aerodynamic metals—fuse the maritime with the aerial in a visually stunning display.   The interior of the house flows like a gentle tide, with open spaces that encourage the drift of sea breezes and the warmth of sunlight. Large panoramic windows frame breathtaking views of the ocean and the sky, providing a backdrop that changes from the tranquil blues of daylight to the mesmerizing gradients of sunset.   Central to the home is a shared living area that doubles as a gallery for their interests. Here, models of mythical creatures and historic ships are displayed alongside beautiful aquariums that house exotic marine life, symbolizing their respective passions. The decor is a mix of nautical themes and avian motifs, with elements like sails repurposed as ceiling canopies and ornate feather patterns woven into the fabrics.   Jaxom’s personal space includes a rooftop garden where he can tend to plants that attract local birds, creating a mini sanctuary where he can observe the creatures of the air up close. His area also includes a workshop for his various flying contraptions and animal husbandry tools.   Angel’s section features a saltwater infinity pool that merges seamlessly with the sea horizon, where he can swim and train in an environment that feels boundless. His space is equipped with state-of-the-art marine research tools that allow him to study ocean currents and marine biodiversity right from his home.

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