Old Jass Character in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Old Jass

"A wisend, elderly wizard capable of casting 10th level spells from the Sword-Like Tower within the Ruins of Sedas. He is currently a deity of the New Gods. He has the Hourglass of Time, the Crystal Ball of Magic, and the Signet Glove of Traditionamicable

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Old Jass has kept his past secret, but the Knights of the Golden Order first encountered him as a magical hermit living within the Sword-Like Tower  He (assisted by Minksy) cast a level ten spell by using the Sword-Like Tower's perfect resonance to bolster his abilities. The spell created the Unexical Plexus  After Erithien Darkmoon was ruined by the deck of many things, Old Jass accepted ownership of the Token of Chaos so it would not remain unclaimed. However, this meant he had to give up one of his three existing tokens. In the end, Old Jass gave the Token of Magic to Duer Graysong, making the young wizard a god.

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