Sword-Like Tower Building / Landmark in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Sword-Like Tower

Purpose / Function

This tower was actually wielded as a Sword by Naestruul during the battle with Tiamat in which Tiamat's red head was shorn free.   The tower is also capable of assisting mages in the creation of 10th level spells and is a known reagent for the spell which gave rise to the Unexical Plexus.


OUTSIDE The tower is thin and tall, with a cross two about three quarters the way up. This gives it a distinctly sabre-planted-in-the-ground look which is quite striking. From the tower's many balconies the Sedasan soldiers would cast spells which blasted forth from the sabre-like tower like dynamic, bright Valkyrie charging into them.   INSIDE These halls are so cleanly picked through that there is only dust in the smoothly meandering halls which were designed to confuse and disorient would be attackers. It's a place of safety and, surprisingly, of serenity. In parts poets throughout the ages have written call and answer style poems on the walls. Most decry war and espouse beauty. You can feel a gentle breeze blowing in here, cool and musky. It carries with it a deep resonant hum created, seemingly, by perfect acoustics of the flowing hallways of the tower. The acoustics are amazing and vibrationally amplified by the runic nature of the hallways' meandering paths. If music were a component in the spell somehow, then tenth level spells can be cast here. Wind blowing in sounds like soothing harmonies.
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