Erithien Darkmoon Character in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Erithien Darkmoon

"There are two parts to every curse or boon of the occult. The fortunate and unfortunate. We don't speak of it for that angers the Doss and turns fate against you. However, know this. If I tell ye how you're going to die, then that's how you're going to die. There's no escaping it. It's unfortunate. BUT, that means you can ONLY die in the way, time, and place of my vision. You're locked into a fixed point. So it's FORTUNATE that you can't die in any other way. If you're here it's because you tried to wreck the Doss' plans for your death." - from the tales of Jasper Burr.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Erithien grew up in the Shadowfell, a grim and dark place. In order to resist the demoralizing essence of death, the Shadar-Kai seek zeal and adventure in all things. It was such a girl, crowing and fighting who stumbled through portal into the Titanium Dreadhalls and befriending Alric Gravelmane, who would become king of the city.   Eager to explore this world, Erithien Darkmoon traveled to the deep jungles of the Chokevines and sought out Smarl Bloodhunters. She earned their respect and learned their ways. Though her blood, strange and contaminated somehow, reacted strangely to the Bloodhunters magics. Her mutancy was profane to the Bloodhunters who tried to have her killed.   When it became clear that they wouldn't be able to kill Erithien Darkmoon, the Bloodhunters attempted to reconcile with her by revealing that her brother, Therien Darkmoon, had traveled to this world. Unfortunately, Erithien Darkmoon had been changed by her time on this world, while her brother was stuck with primitive views. He was transformed into a slime when he drank poison which was intended for Aaron Bur.   Erithien revealed to her friends that during her childhood she and Therien Darkmoon were abducted by Dreadmancer Steelbone who was controlling her. The Knights of the Golden Order agreed they would attack Steelbone one day, but Erithien Darkmoon knew that she would die in the attempt and be turned into a terrible creature by Steelbone , as was predicted by Jasper Burr. Further, Steelbone has one of the Cortexes and is using it to power a demi-plane wherein he has the powers of a god. Any traditional attack against him would be doomed to fail.   During the formation of the new New Gods, Erithien Darkmoon learned that she cannot die and is magically restored to life each time she tries. She believes this is happening because of the occult prediction made by Jasper Burr which will not let her fail to fulfill the prophecy. However, when they discover that magic from beyond the Far-Realm Tear is supreme over magic of this realm, she has hope that her brutal destiny can be avoided. Upon discovering the deck of many thing is from beyond the Far-Realm Tear, she draws but brings ruin to herself. All of her magic items (including the Token of Chaos, Token of Destruction, and the Token of Death) were destroyed and she became trapped at the centre of the world.


Therien Darkmoon


Towards Erithien Darkmoon


Erithien Darkmoon


Towards Therien Darkmoon


Alric Gravelmane


Towards Erithien Darkmoon


Erithien Darkmoon


Towards Alric Gravelmane


Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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