Daemon Mindblink Character in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Daemon Mindblink

"Daemon Mindblink acquired a building in Hestmire before it was blown up during the crash of the Leviathan. She escaped on the Zolt along with the heroes. She revealed to Erithien Darkmoon that in a large chest was an Elder Brain Ilithid. Later, it was discovered that the Nemezhat was an Ilithid ship masquerading as a Westrel ship but had no brain. The two united and became sentient. This is when the Nemezhat gained the ability to fly, could sprout tentacles, and even eat projectiles or ships. Pretty impressive for Daemon Mindblink, who has only enjoyed free-will for a few months before accomplishing each of these generational feats." - from the journals of Old Jass

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