Owyne Gaillard Character in Amion | World Anvil
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Owyne Gaillard

Owyne Gaillard, the ruling king of the Kingdom of Avalyra, rules from Dawnhold Fortress in the capital city of Dawnshield. Avalyra has been ruled by the Gaillard family since the kingdom's inception, their ancestors having been the ones to found the land. Named after his father, Owyne I, the current ruler has sat the throne for over a century since his father's death. Despite his advanced age for a human, Owyne appears no older than middle aged, and still personally leads his army into battle. Many rumours persist about the secret to his longevity, ranging from the Gaillard lineage having Elvish blood, to necromantic rituals performed in the dead of night by the king.
  Little is publicly known about the king's life behind the closed doors of his palace. He has a wife, Helaine, whom he married in 728, but she is rarely seen outside the fortress. Those few who claim to have seen her describe an almost unearthly beauty, with fine features and flowing light hair. It is said they have two children together, but few believable accounts of seeing them exist.   As a king, Owyne II is best known for his open support of acceptance, making it known that elves, dwarves and all other races are as much his people as humans. In Dawnshield and Kyath Ennore especially, he is celebrated for this, and both cities are welcoming of all folk. However, among some groups of humans, discontent brews, believing that as the majority, they are superior to others.
Current Location
Year of Birth
660 130 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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