Cymrian otters Species in Ædeos | World Anvil

Cymrian otters

Tapaidh... No, wait! Tapaidh! That was the last grown perch in the lake. Who is going to get rid of the roaches now, huh?
Tapaidh only smiled with content.
Yeah, I am sure you will...
— Every lotus harvester at some point

General description

Small and slender mammals with a sturdy tail. Cymrian otters have typically a deep brown fur, sometimes with a lighter bottom. They are playful carnivores, usually praying on small fish, crayfish and seldomly on snails and snakes, hence are usually seen by the freshwater lakes and slow rivers. Otters love to spend their time playing tag near natural barriers, like fallen trees, boulders, etc. They spend most of their time in water, to the point where they will take naps or even sleep, while swimming on their backs.

Food resource

Fish! Otters love to chase around the fish, especially roaches, chubs and rudds in lakes and take their sweet time observing trouts and graylings. That said, they have been observed eating snails and playing with crayfish but that very often they seem to be only an addition to their diet. Even though meat is their primary source of food, they will wrap their pray in seaweed or nibble on roots of water plants.


Cymrian otters can be partially domesticated, which is a traditional way the lotus harvesters cope with creatures endangering their lotus plants. Truth be told, otters are intelligent but in the same time gluttonous and in a way, cheeky. The stories of how they hunt down predators to place themselves on top of the food chain of the lake are beyond count. With that in mind, these creatures become emotionally attached to their human companions and make friends for life. Chasing them away is not an option — if anything it will be seen as offensive and rude. Some otters will deal with the problem by dealing damage to the lotus crops. Alas, they are a force to reckon with.

Not longer than 1m with a great appettite for fresh fish!
At times one will see an otter sleeping in the blooming nettles or other fragrant plant thickets in the vicinity of water. And more often than not, there will be at least a pair — otters are very social little creatures.

Cover image: Cymrian otter by Ed van Duijn


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Jul 17, 2021 09:27 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Those otters are so cute :D I love how playful and vindicative they are! You better be nice with them or else :p

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jul 17, 2021 09:45 by Angantyr

Precisely the reason I love them so much! :D

Playing around with words and worlds