Strange & grim - old The Old Ones enter Torpor - Into the Eternal Slumber

The Old Ones enter Torpor - Into the Eternal Slumber


Roughly 1,000,000 Years Ago

Sometime around 1,000,000 years ago, after ruling the multiverse for the better part of a billion years, the Great Old Ones simply stopped. They seem to have entered a state of torpor and ceased The Game. They ceased everything. Their minions, servants, and slaves across worlds uncountable were quietly and nearly instantaneously abandoned. Left to their own devices, beings across the multiverse began to shape themselves into various factions and regimes. Planets seemingly took on lives of their own as their populations grew and matured. Armies rose and fell, as each vied for supremacy in their own pocket of the multiverse.

Sometime around 1,000,000 years ago, after ruling the multiverse for the better part of a billion years, the Great Old Ones simply stopped. They seem to have entered a state of torpor and ceased The Game. They ceased everything. Their minions, servants, and slaves across worlds uncountable were quietly and nearly instantaneously abandoned. Left to their own devices, beings across the multiverse began to shape themselves into various factions and regimes. Planets seemingly took on lives of their own as their populations grew and matured. Armies rose and fell, as each vied for supremacy in their own pocket of the multiverse.

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