Thunder Pigeon Species in Zenith | World Anvil
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Thunder Pigeon

Tier 2 Tier 2 Creatures are those who pose a serious threat if engaged in combat with. Thunder Pigeons are the Agolmutated descendants of pigeons, grown to intimidating size If you spot a flock a storm is not far behind as they hold lightning and wind within themselves. Oddly they haven't lost there attitude towards man, and will casually enter human society and will often strike awe in a child or two that sees them up close. This has made many over the years train in riding them for sport and fun.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Lays eggs

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes 2 years for a pigeon to be able to fly 5 years as young adult pigeon 10 years Adult 3 Elder Pidgeon

Ecology and Habitats

Wide, warm spaces.

Additional Information


Farms may keep show pigeons or sport pigeons
20 years
Average Height
7-11 Feet
Average Weight
Average Length

Cover image: by Euderion Thomas Raube


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