Rematch Military Conflict in Zenith | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Round 2

After reconciling with the Care-Takers humanity refocus on the expanding and exploring to find new worlds. This had the unfortunate luck to have them run into the Race that attacked them all those years ago. The Tuleons were back though humanity seemed to have finally gotten a grasp of fighting in space with aid from Betas to be able to cover what weaknesses in space then had and the Contacted to provide many surprises for ground combat. The Tuleons were still at the advantage through experience and training. Lucky it seemed that disprite they had an advantage the Tuelons fought with caution seeming to not let any of their ships fall in battle. Preferring Ground combat. These Skirmishes yielded a special item. a Tuelon ship after a successful mission to capture it. After that Humanity broke off from the attacks to pull back but the Tuelons did not follow. This wasn't understood why until later. But until then humanity learned its lesson and wouldn't strip the alien craft but explorers would learn to use it so that they make this long voyage in space a bit shorter.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Glorious Victory


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