Dragon Ferret Species in Zenith | World Anvil
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Dragon Ferret

Tier 1 Tier 1 Creatures are predators that are only aggressive if they need to be. The Agolmutated descendant of the ferret these little guys have the ability to breath and urinate fire with no discomfort on the ferrets part. They hunt and try to avoid humanity but some beast tamers capture these creatures to sell. Strangely their fur is not fire resistant like there skin is, so you will often smell a dragon ferret nearby before you can even see it.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats


Dietary Needs and Habits


Additional Information

Average Intelligence

45 IQ
20 years
Average Height
2 feet
Average Weight
45 lbs
Average Length
2 ft

Cover image: by Euderion Thomas Raube


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