Supervisors Military Formation in Wyrion | World Anvil


Historical Overview



  Starting as the city watchmen of Meridia during its time as the Miran capital, the Supervisors got their name for watching over the city, rather than their less reputable current occupations. As the city of Meridia predates the Rhetorlord's growth in power, they fulfilled the duties today taken up by the Argent Cloaks. In the lead up to the Shattering of House Mira, the Supervisors saw their duties decline with their reputation, as they were reduced to guarding the properties of House Mira alone.  


  When the other houses of Anhara rose up against House Mira's domination of Meridia, their properties were defended by the Supervisors. In the early days of the war, the Supervisors were continuously conducting urban warfare against the Argent Cloaks, fighting door-to-door in Miran-dominated portions of the city. After the Week of Stains, the Supervisors executed continuous rearguard actions in the subsequent Week of Steps, evacuating Miran nobles and sympathizers towards the docks.  
"Brutal combat in the Miran Spire yesterday evening, as House Mira suffered heavy casualties in the latest step in the brutal culling of their line. Few holdouts remain in the upper levels, and the Mirans have been forced into the dregs of the city, amongst their erstwhile victims." - The Whistling Observer
  After their flight from Meridia to Mira's Eye, the Supervisors were tasked with preparing the defense of the island. Constructing fortifications for an invasion that never came, Mira's guards proved their worth in their storied retreat, and for it were doomed to defending an island until the present day. Some Supervisors remained in Meridia as stay-behind forces, organizing resistance amongst loyalists and resisting the Argent Cloaks for a number of weeks, until finally squashed.  

Current Use

"Mangy mutts roam the streets, unfed babies cry out, and iron-boot'd thugs under the guise of soldiers maintain order at the end of a blade." - Roland Auberge, In the Den of the Depraved
  With their glorious retreat as their most impressive performance, their subsequent history saw a rapid decline. Their name took on a new meaning, as they became Supervisors for the slaves of House Mira. Previously a non-issue, as Mira saw their wealth decline their ability to control their slave population declined as well. Today, the Supervisors are jumped-up sadistic peasants from the Coquet Heights seeking employment, let loose amongst the Oldward of Mira's Eye.
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