Saisson Brewing Organization in Wyrion | World Anvil

Saisson Brewing

Historical Overview

  Any worthwhile city requires a brewery, and Honeymill is no different. As one of the most fertile areas of the Coquet Heights, Honeymill and its golden fields are more in touch with the rural, homey culture of the Vestral Downs than the reserved, structured society of the capital region. This is reflected not only in their festivals and attitudes, but their food and drink as well. Unlike the imported wine and grimace-inducing liquors of Meridia, Honeymill's brews are aromatic, light, and fruity. Saisson Brewing, as the foremost and oldest brewery in the city, represents the peak of Honeymill's brand of farmhouse ales.   Farmhouse ales are more common in regions such as the Vestral Downs, and are brews made from excess harvests, which often fill the void left by irregular drinking water in rural areas. Honeymill is one of the few parts of the Coquet Heights to follow that tradition, and this makes for a popular product. During the Haruspex Festival, tourists and pilgrims flock to the city, and Saisson Brewing spends most of the year preparing for this month-long festive period. The sales during the Haruspex Festival are so large that it allows the company to coast on their profits most of the year, and sell a limit range to help them prepare for the influx of tourists.    


Keeper's Brew
  Keeper's Brew is a golden-colored beer, with a mild taste. It's fermented with baker's yeast, the same ingredient used in Meliloaf, and pairs well with the city's iconic dessert. Keeper's Brew is brewed with barley malt and infused with juniper for a somewhat berry-like taste. This beer gets its name from its method of storage, as it is brewed in the winter and cellared until summer.  
Season's Ale
  The most popular product from Saisson Brewing, Season's Ale is the premier beverage of the Haruspex Festival. With hints of almond and honey, this pale ale pairs best with meliloaf. It gets its name from its brewing period, which takes place from the immediate end of the festival until the ale is uncellared at the start of the spring season.

"Sweet As Honey"

Corporation, Manufacturing


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