Courier Post Organization in Wyrion | World Anvil

Courier Post

Historical Overview



  Of all the means of spreading news in Anhara, news-writers are one of the most common, and yet one of the most lightly regarded. How reliable they are depends both on where they are, and who is reading them. With origins deep in the past, news-writers are organisations that publish official, government news in public places within cities. These will often be read out loud on the hour by criers.   The Courier Post is the news-writer of House Lyonel, evolving from the horseback messengers used by the Free Company during their battles across the Vinelands. While these all start as government notices, they evolve in their own ways over time. The Courier Post is one of the most government-orientated, meaning satire largely takes place through other mediums, such as plays and bards.  

Current Use

  Their headquarters give name to the neighborhood of Courier Heights, a particularly upscale area where their proclamations are written. Given the size of modern Perryden, the Courier Post varies their notices depending upon where they are being proclaimed, with information more relevant to the rural residents posted out in Ravenwood, and so on.   While news-writers generally had limited reliability in their early history, as time goes on they become more reliable and more responsive to their city's needs. The Courier Post is particularly known for their accurate trade and economic data, necessary to the burgeoning merchant class in Perryden.  
"Make quiet and pay heed! A banquet was held yesterday evening to celebrate the successful tariff negotiations! House Lyonel's brilliant diplomats bargained with the Thewisys, trading away nothing the city did not need." - Courier Post Proclamation
  Other residents of Courier Heights fill in for what many news-writers lack, critique of the ruling house and accurate news from far-off lands. The latter is handled by Mirabelle Theatre, run by a Tahati immigrant, which along with showing the history of al-Tahat through plays, communicates news from there as well. Perryden is also home to a highly satirical bardic college, which performs the criticism one would expect from more unbiased news sources.
Broadcasting, Newspaper / Magazine


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