Summercamp 2021 Prompts and Articles

Here is DinosaurBob's complete Summercamp 2021 body of work. The Pledge... all of the prompts... all of the articles written in response to those prompts... It's all here! And when it's all done, a Recap section will be included at the end.

Preliminary Work

The Pledge
This includes DinosaurBob's observations on experiences in Summercamp 2020
and how they affected his pledge for the 2021 event.

The Primer
Overviews of the region on Cartyrion that DinosaurBob plans to focus on with Summercamp 2021 articles.

31 Complete... The Diamond Shiny is Mine!

The July 1st "Copper" Prompts

Somewhere in your setting, describe ...

... a building associated with healing the sick
...a medical condition which is feared by some
...a new medical cure, treatment, or breakthrough

...a species of working animal ethnicity whose cultural exports are highly sought after extraordinary writing tool (or type of writing tool) area or geographical landmark wrapped in myth, legend, or superstition
...a myth about a mountain, lake, cave, or other landmark
...a myth or fairytale about a prophecy, oracle, fortune-telling, or other revelation

...a festival associated with a celestial body

The July 10th "Silver" Prompts

Somewhere in your setting, describe ...

... an inhospitable region or geographical landmark
... a plant or animal that lives in an inhospitable region
... an ethnicity surviving in an inhospitable region

... an old or ancient organization which still casts a shadow
... a lost or ancient language
... an ancient and/or powerful artifact

... a religious order founded or based in your world's history
... a coming of age ceremony
... a famous letter or message

... an often undervalued but vital profession

The July 20th "Gold" Prompts

... a building associated with crime or justice
... a renowned pirate, highwayman or other criminal
... a unit or squad who guards an important person

... a settlement known as a pleasure town or for louche behaviour
... a brave hero, who hides a secret past
... a Romancer, Paramour, or other amorous individual

... a large business, corporation or trade guild
... a vital trade resource that supports a settlement or region
... an industrial, mining, logging or other production settlement

... a title which cannot be bought, only earned

The July 31st "Diamond" Prompt

...a bloody coup, rebellion or uprising in your world's history

Summercamp 2021 Recap

Thoughts about how things went during during Summercamp.
What worked? What didn't? What to remember for next year?


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