Saint Nora

Article Contents


"Do not be afraid child, for you should feel welcome at the beginning of the end! You stand before me, Saint Nora, the Supreme Judge of all."

"I judge all who find their way here, and the same will happen to you. I shall judge you, your heart and your soul, and then I will decide your fate."

"What you see before you is your own tree, your own measure of your soul. For every deed you commit in life, a leaf changes color. The scale of your deeds determines the number of leaves that change."

"For every worthy deed, a leaf may change white."

"For every unworthy deed, a leaf may change black."

"I can see you were quite worthy in life. Your tree is nearly pure, but the black marks of your crimes become apparent, especially to me. As a result, your tree is mostly gray."

"Every lie and half-truth you ever told, everything you ever stole from someone, and everyone you ever hurt with your fists, your sword, or your words. I can see it all and the leaves do not lie."

"No need to explain to me why you did what you did. No matter what you say, it will not change my mind."

"You were not without crime in life. No one is. Not even the Gods were free from sin. But no need to fear either, because as I said, you lived a mostly worthy life."

"Go now into the Wellspring of Souls, to an eternal afterlife."

"I would advise against thinking about this too hard, dear child."

"I am no longer that Elder Goddess of Time. I gave up my power and was rewarded with a human form."

"I lived, loved, felt pain and died as a human."

"But if you continue on, I will not stop you, but be warned!"

"The Truth about the nature of the gods is far beyond anything you are capable of understanding and it may drive you insane."

"So, you wish to see my true form, dear child? Behold!"

The me from before the Age of Iron, Before the Age of Gold, from before Silnos spoke and humans were foretold!"

"I am Nora, The Elder Goddess of Time. Part of the Tetrad, we set the Universe's Paradigm!"

We created all that you see. We created Meliheal and Vreathe from nothing but Grime!"

"Look upon the threads of fate that I weave, From the Dawn of Light to the End of all Things!"

"Your heartbeat is but a piece of my essence, your destiny a thread, a fate I concieved!"

"I could go on, but there is no more time. The more you look upon me, the more your very being unwinds."

"Click away now! Tap yourself free! before the only thing you know becomes insanity!"
"I am this terrifying being no more. There is no reason to keep looking upon this visage."



"Why are you still here? Have you not yet gone insane? Unless... No! That cannot be posible! It is time for you to go!"


Author's Notes

  • There's some of Stormbril's CSS tabs in there. The rest of the spaghetti code was me testing out a few things...
  • Based on testing, the effect works best in Chrome and Edge. On Firefox the image change is instant instead of a smooth transition. Haven't tested on Apple's browser where I bet it doesn't work at all.
  • I need to learn how CSS animations work as it probably would have made my life way easier, and help with those of us (literally me!) who accidentally click on somthing while reading the alternate panels.

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    Aug 24, 2024 04:55

    Okay. I'm struggling to see past the awesomeness of hiding the true under what seemed to be a perfectly reasonable explanation about the character. I should have paid more attention to the prompt this was answering XD   Great way to use the prompt, interesting character... very intriguing joke at the end.