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Lithium is the least dense metal in the universe and will float in most liquids. It is a highly reactive alkali metal, quickly tarnishing when exposed to air. Theoretically it has a low conjuring cost, but mages haven't been able to effectively create large amounts of Lithium.

In Theory, the average mage should be able to conjure 100 kilograms of the stuff before running out of Mana. The issue is that Lithium readily absorbs mana, and not only absorbs it, but it sucks it out of the surrounding area, even from living things. It does this until it reaches a critical point and then violently explodes. Conjuring 100 grams of Lithium causes it to immediately absorb a thousand times more mana from the caster, making the actual conjuring cost for a kilogram of Lithium to be somewhere around 1000 MP instead of just 1.

Lithium converts the Aether it is charged with into electricity. If not for the very unstable nature of Lithium in the presence of mana, mages would be able to manipulate this electric charge into some very effective Lightning Magic spells.

Mana Batteries

When conjured or dug out of the ground, Lithium needs to be quickly placed into a glass jar filled with mineral oil, or literally conjured inside oil. This prevents it from tarnishing and prevents it from absorbing too much ambient mana too quickly. This also prevents it from exploding when it reaches its critical point. This mana can then be quickly siphoned out, making this an effective but still questionably unstable Mana Battery.

When held, mana batteries can readily give up their mana for casting spells. Any stored electricity can also be readily used to cast lightning magic. Lithium mana batteries can be thrown when their mana charge runs out as a makeshift grenade. The residual mana will cause the lithium to catch fire and possibly explode the moment the jar holding the lithium breaks.

There are much better options out there for mana batteries though, as virtually any crystalized substance can store mana. There is wide agreement among scholars that the ultimate mana batteries are made of Carbon, in the form of Diamonds.

Atomic Number:
Phase of Matter:

Conjuring Cost:

Manipulation Cost:
Mana Types:

1 MP
(1000 actual)
<1 MP
Spell | Jun 26, 2024

A comprehensive overview of magic on the world of Vreathe. Details where mana comes from, magic types and items, and how it is used in everyday life...

Chemical Elements and interactions with Mana
Material | Nov 12, 2023

A High level overview of various chemical elements and how magic interacts with them on the World of Vreathe.

Lithium Mana Battery/Bomb
Item | Nov 12, 2023

((Stub Article))

Lithium Salts

Elven apothecaries use Lithium salts such as Lithium Carbonate in Medicine. They use this mediciation to treat various mental conditions, specifically those related to Dragon Corruption. Iron Age humans, always being geared towards war, will sometimes put Lithium salts in potions to guard against and enhance Lightning magic.

Chemical Elements
Chemical Elements
Notable Compounds


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