Sandshells Tradition / Ritual in Valley of Plenty | World Anvil


A summertime tradition for those living near lakes and larger rivers, sandshelling is when one creates sand constructions and decorates them with shells. The main reason it is mostly done in the summer, is because spring floods help set down shells outside the normal beds and higher up the beaches.   It appears the rivers in the valley share this trait, so in this situation of unknowns and uncertainties, at least these lovely memories will still be formed. Once the Wooden Shields have made sure the rivers and beaches are safe from threats, we're looking forward to see our children play.
Monetary Value
Emotional Value
A tradition well over a hundred years old, it is not known where it initially came from. The only thing we do know is that it is something taking place throughout multiple countries. Perhaps it is simply a natural consequence of children playing with what they have at hand.   Participating children will gather shells inbetween constructing their sand buildings. Sometimes they build their own house, other times a big building that has made an impression. Occasionally children end up building an entire village together. Buildings will be decorated with various shells, representing windows, signs, banners and more.
As a game that children play, there's no real serious intent to this folk tradition. For the children, it simply is a way to waste time in a period where more time is available. This thanks to the combination of less help needed at farms, longer days, and heat that makes swimming a good idea to cool down.   That said, it does have the purpose of forming memories. Often shells are traded between friends, while the best shells are either kept or given to loved ones. As one takes the best shells home afterwards, the result is a private collection filled with beautiful memories.


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Jul 4, 2023 07:42 by Nimin N

I really liked this, what a neat and wholesome little tradition. :)

Jul 4, 2023 09:19 by Michael Chandra

It was fun to write and I can tie it to a session quite easily! 'Hey there's some stuff in the lake, care to investigate? We want to make sure the children are safe' and you can then even talk to the kids if they noticed anything.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Jul 4, 2023 12:40 by Nimin N

Tthat sounds like a really nice hook! Hope you get to use it soon enough.

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