Snare Character in Up&Down | World Anvil


Grumpy Russian. Chief of one of General Inferno's units.

Past before the Legion

It is nearly impossible to get Snare to talk about what he was up to before he joined the Legion. He doesn't like talking about himself at all, but the gist of what the recruitment office could worm out of him is that his family fled to the North for unknown reasons when he was still a child. Snare then showed up at the recruiters' door when he was 18 years old and did not specify a reason why he wanted to join. He seemed proficient with weapons and sane enough, so he was accepted.

Life as a Soldier

Initially, he was supposed to be part of a Core Unit, and he did spend a few months with one of them. However, two of General Inferno's units had been recently wiped out and he was looking to assemble at least one new unit. He visited a few bases, among them the base of Snare's unit, and picked whichever soldiers he deemed still in their senses enough to make good replacements. Snare was one of them.   Adjusting to being with the Support Units instead was tough for him at first, and even nowadays sometimes his peers wonder if he ever fully left the Core Units behind.   While he was with Unit 37-42, Snare never really opened up to his fellow soldiers about anything. The only interpersonal relationships he involved himself in were rivalries, occasionally resulting in physical fights. His comrades therefore didn't like him, but at least were showing some - begrudging - respect.

Eventual Promotions

Due to simply surviving a lot of raids and somehow not ending up as a broken husk of himself either, Snare was chosen to be an Officer for his unit when one of the previous ones had to retire because of mental breakdowns. He spent a few years in that position, and only recently became Chief when the current one died in a tragic accident.   Even while he was an Officer, Snare didn't make any efforts to make friends. He treated his subordinates sternly and harshly, punishing mistakes and disrespect. Now, as a chief, this hasn't changed and perhaps even got worse - Snare is convinced that his officers are trying to get rid of him because they don't think he's the right guy for the job. He therefore never misses any opportunities to prove his worth and ability to lead his unit... even if it means making examples of soldiers and trying to force success in combat out of them.
29 y/o
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Russian, English
Chief of the Legion


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