First Notes and Thoughts in Trash Panda | World Anvil

First Notes and Thoughts

Where to Start?

Welcome to the journey. Everything starts at a beginning and the first steps on this road is a general map. Below is a glimpse into my thoughts and how I jot ideas. I may not keep all the ideas and things I come up with here, but it gives a good jumping off point. I use this first step to map out my landmarks, figure out the big details and provide something to work off for more detailed work and development.

Story Idea

The world and quest changes as the party completes it. The only thing that stays constant is them. Amnesia? They know they are friends and they want to go home but they’ve been to so many places they can’t remember what home is.

Source of inspiration: Discord conversation about one shots, forever DMs and rotating players as DMs through the use of one shots.

Expanding and pinning down details for story





Enemies are transported together to complete tasks and compete to see who can finish their quest first! OMG! Find a way to let them get close and romance blossoms!


Write my Gentleman Devil as the power top. (this character is inspired by the song “The Devil is a Gentleman” by Merci Raines.)


Each chapter is a full one shot quest, with map, and notes on the maps. Chapters can be written in any order, and can use one shot ideas in Sleyterra for concurrent world building.

One Shot Ideas

  • Title each chapter after the ‘theme’ of the adventure

  • Jungle adventure to protect/steal an ancient treasure (where i want to introduce romantic/sexual tension), put it around chapter 3 or 4

  • First chapter to introduce my Hero, second to introduce the Villain

  • Dungeon Crawl: reach the lowest level, Hero and Villain race to the bottom

  • Destroy/Defend a Town

  • Stage a Royal Coup/Prevent a Coup

  • Summon a Demon/Prevent the Summoning

  • Limited cast of characters

Spoiler-Twist Development
In the second half, mirror the first half but take them back to the future they influenced and show the results of their actions as they start to fall for eachother and find more middle ground. The prevention of the coup causes widespread destruction on the land, the jungle is flourishing and no longer suffering from disasters with the ancient treasure gone from their land, the town that was defended turned out to be populated by a cult that was killing travellers, etc.
Spoiler Hero Revelation
Reveal that the Hero’s work hasn’t been for good, and the Villain wasn’t as much of a villain as he seemed.
Results of Twist and Revelation
Take advantage of the hero’s Lawful/Good nature, twist his view on the world with the revelation that in his pursuit of doing the right thing he made the world worse, change his alignment over to Chaotic/Neutral, willing to go along with Villain’s plans and mission.
Villain Response
Sets up the Hero being hurt by his own actions and being comforted by the villain.


Using a Variety of Name Generators, and adjusting spellings to be easier to remember.


Sylvir - I like it.

Alok - Too short, and too sharp with the consonants

Tyrael - I like it, not for this story, keep it for later

Hawthorne - Plain, but I don’t hate it

Hawk - Simple, and straightforward, but not what I’m looking for

Lucien - I like it.


Caidan - I like it.

Lucius - I like it, but it’s too close to Lucien

Mataeo - I like it, but not for this

Kellam - I don’t hate it, but not for this story

Zephyr - I like it.

Which two sound good together, but aren’t too close so they aren’t confusing? What sort of nicknames can I make? What would the ship name be?

Sylvir, can be shortened to Syl, or Sylvie (taunting from Top)

Lucien, can be shortened to Lu, or Lucy (taunting from Top)

Caidan, Cade

Zephyr, close to Sylvir, would be paired with Lucien.

Settling on Zephyr and Lucien (Lucy). LuciPhyr <3

Working Title

Devil in the Details

One Shot

Of Good and Evil

Author's Notes:

Spoiler tags are used to keep key story elements hidden from those who may want a look at the process, but would want to read the finished story as well without being spoiled by major twists or character developments.

Story development is a very unique journey, and your methods may be different. This is just a peek into what goes into my creation process, with notes, and un-edited work.

This has been your local Trash Panda, hoping to be helpful.


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