Pharika's Pen Item in Theros Homebrew Campaign | World Anvil
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Pharika's Pen

The players may seek this ink contained in a magical item Pharika's Pen. The pen is hidden in the lair of a giant basilisk, which itself is guarded by a few medusas/gorgons. Defeating the basilisk should draw Pharika's ire, but miraculously she won't attack. This is because, behind the scenes, Nylea has persuaded her to allow the Twilight to occur.   The pen allows the user to gain a permanent +3 boost to intelligence, proficiency with the poisoner's and medical kit, and advantage when crafting poisons or potions. It allows them to do this by calling upon the secrets kept within the ink and scribing the recipe down onto enchanted scroll paper. In addition, it contains the recipe for Wyvern poison and a supreme healing potion that you can prepare with just water and a drop of the ink for each. The time needed to brew these positions is one week and in order to do so, you must take 2d10 damage for each one. Once completed, the Wyvern and supreme healing potions cannot be created for one month. The DC for any potion or poison depends on the rarity of the item.    Does not require attunement, but must be in the person's possession for them to gain the benefits.   The details about the locations of the other Divine and Titan Weapons as well as the instructions for the ritual of sealing are contained within the ink. They must be written down on an enchanted scroll and will present themselves in celestial. The ritual's details will only be provided once all the weapons are found and the scroll must be in the presence of them for it to display them.


The Basilisk’s Greed. In Pharika’s earliest days, her mind overflowed with knowledge, and she retreated to a secret, verdant glen. There, she set to scribing her secrets into the garden’s fruits, hiding within each a dozen deaths and their cures. When she retired wearily to bathe, a lizard crept into her grove and gobbled up much of the fruit. It’s said that this original basilisk and its progeny are still heavy with undigested secrets, and that if basilisk blood is distilled into ink, it can be used to write out forgotten lore.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder


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