Tribesman Doomwinter Character in The Skyrunner Tribe | World Anvil

Tribesman Doomwinter


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Knight/Tribesman Doomwinter

An aspiring shu'halo healer lost to the cold of Northrend, the monster now known as Doomwinter was raised to serve as an agent of the Scourge and the Lich King for many a year. After being freed and being forced to come to grips with being in many ways the antithesis of everything that is considered good by her culture, not to mention recalling the cold-blooded slaying of many a defender of Azeroth, she now seeks to learn how many, if any, pieces can be picked up, and how close she can get to once again becoming part of the shu'halo people, or at least serving them in some useful capacity until the day comes where she is judged by her ancestors.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and imposing, she was sturdy stock for conversion to undead. The cold and dark magic maintaining her un-life have also maintained her form.

Physical quirks

Prone to stare, either at others, or to a range of about a thousand yards

Special abilities

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Her ghoul companion has much more personality than most similar minions, for some reason

Apparel & Accessories

At the demand of others, she has finally given up most of her saronite armor and now wears a semi-custom set of plate.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Spoilers ahead! If you read on, you’ll know most of the secrets there are to know about Doomwinter. Read on at own risk!  
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Recent Changes First Draft, 8/25 Updates, 9/19 Fleshed out identity of Scourgelord (named, race changed to troll) Added clarifications surrounding present and future personalities Added clarifications on the nature of backstory Minor Updates, 5/18/2020 Updated some recent events, changed tenses as appropriate   The Tragedy of Serane Stonehoof Outline format (with some bits of prose recorded for future use) for now, I might make it more prose-like at some point in the future, if I can do it in a way that makes it interesting. The guts of it are here: Happy moo, dies, becomes death knight, is made to do horrible things. Sad moo. Over time I may add more past events to use as flashbacks and whatnot, but that basic premise will not change.   The goal here is to have something small-scale and relatable. Sad, yet visceral. She wasn’t Arthas’ favored and didn’t raze her entire family, their friends, their cats, anyone they ever did business with, etc. Just someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and something horrible happened, something particularly horrible for a Tauren. There are people, families, and tribes who have been gravely wounded body and soul by this creature. The road to recovery is long; redemption is possible, but it will be no easy journey.   Born in a moderate sized village in Mulgore. Nothing special, just a young shu’halo. Aspiring shaman like her grandmother, had only recently carved her first totems and begun to talk to the elements. Looked forward to learning to run in the wind as a spirit wolf the way calves look forward to a visit from Greatfather Winter. Sent to Northrend at the request of a family friend to aid three brothers with the war effort there. Tend wounds, keep their camp, patch their gear, etc. The camp was overrun. She fled and hid, hemmed in on all sides by Scourge soldiers sacking the camp and establishing a garrison for the night. The light of Mu’sha was familiar, but offered little comfort in the cold. The wrath of endless winter was too much; hidden in a mound of snow the young shaman closed her eyes, and died of exposure. Her body was discovered later by Scourge forces, a strong corpse fit to be put to further use. “Sometimes, you just get a good one.” While nothing special in her own right, when they raised her and put her through the process of becoming a Death Knight, she came out an obedient soldier particularly deft in chilling foes. Her stark white coat and tall stature made her an imposing figure to enemies. Largely a member of the rank and file until discovered by a trollish Scourgelord, who we shall call Taz Jedak. Jedak perceived himself to have been the victim of a raw deal in the Barrens (trade supplies destroyed with Camp Taurajo and he was never paid back) and wanted revenge on the Tauren people. The delusional troll would, given his druthers, use the young shu’halo, now named Doomwinter, to lead a force that would bring endless winter to Mulgore. (If there’s a way to fit this into lore, this guy is probably still at large.) The family who’d originally asked for her aid mustered forces to enact a search and rescue for the three braves and Serane. The three braves were dead, but the team discovered Doomwinter and managed to wrestle her down and subdue her. Once further away from her master, she started to recover a bit of her old self. It was a rough night of misery and difficult conversations, of the recognition of loss, but a deeply disturbed Serane saw Mu’sha’s light again that night, for the first time since her death. Security amongst the hunting party got lax as they started to speak of re-joining the world. Upon discovering her missing, the Scourgelord sent out ghostly scouts that tracked the party down before they could make their way to a Taunka village and eventually away from Northrend. Upon finding her, he pressed the inescapable call of the Scourge upon this minion. What meager resistance her barely-recovered mind had was no match, and she rose up in the sleepy camp, calling up vile chilling winds and piercing ice as she lashed out at her rescuers. Her ghoul, the remnants of a bright-souled individual of little repute, wailed in anguish as its master compelled it to leap to the attack and it reluctantly obeyed. Two members of the party of six were slain. Two were crippled, hauled to safety by the remaining two. Jedak allowed them to retreat, wanting them to tell the tale to the Tauren people he hated so much. This was the act that caused Doomwinter to bury Serane under layers of cold monstrosity, rarely to be seen again. Doomwinter’s own family has quietly disowned her, though some inwardly don’t blame her for what was beyond her control. The more warlike family friends spit at the mention of her name. “Serane? My daughter braved that awful place to go and rescue her, and she responded by cutting her down and leaving her to bleed and die in the snow. I have scars that will never heal from that undead monstrosity she keeps as company. There is no Serane. That monster should be burned, and then maybe we can move past this.” - Aleeha Stonetotem, mother of Ahuya Stonetotem, one of the rescue party who did not return from Northrend. The incident, plus of course the horrors of being a Tauren turned into an abomination in the eyes of the Earthmother, mauled her mind and spirit, all but extinguishing the spark of her soul. It has made rare appearances, but being forced to feel the horrors of what she has become, and what she has done to her own friends and family, she cannot bear the strain. Mental pain turns into fury, and she lashes out with all the destructive force a death knight can muster until the emotion subsides, and she can return to being the obedient soldier.   Personality - Past (This is now past, given IC actions that happened with the Broken Horn tribe)   Doomwinter is broken. What there is of Serane shows up infrequently, and in small amounts. She is uncomfortable in large groups of anything but soldiers. She is uncomfortable when it is not clear what she should be doing, though at times she can find some respite in cold or dark places (Mu’sha’s light seems to put her somewhat at ease; the moon stayed with her up until her death, and has not forsaken her as An’she and the Earthmother. Or at least, she is convinced the latter two have).   It has been said that becoming a death knight is about the worst fate that can befall a Tauren, and I enjoy playing that out (preferably without hamming it up.) She’s a monster. She hates herself. She keeps going, for whatever reason.   Soldier. She followed her orders. Following orders is easy. No thought is involved about the atrocities you’re committing, or what you’ve done. She’d re-join the Scourge tomorrow if she could. Anything to make it so the pain can’t come back again. Observer. She watches, then acts. Destroyer. When something is clearly an enemy, she lets out all her monstrous nature and crushes the life from it with cold ruthlessness. This is one of the few times she shows any emotion at all - she was, and still to some extent is, conditioned to take satisfaction in bringing about death and sorrow.   Personality - Current Doomwinter will always be a monster, and will always know that and occasionally act like it. She cannot undo what has been done. That said, she has recovered more of her free will, and is better able to interact with the living and civilians.   Doomwinter unbridled. As she spends more time back in the normal world, away from the Scourge, she has developed some personality. She is mostly stoic, quiet, and ruthless when operating under orders. Personality - Future (Malleable.)   Stage Two - Serane begins to re-emerge. This cannot occur unassisted, and would require a gentle touch, and at least attempting to right what was done. To re-live the past atrocities of her days with the Scourge, and her destruction of her rescuers. To make peace with their spirits and/or their living relatives. To be forgiven and to once again have a link forged with Tauren society, the spirits, the elements. Even if it’s a thin tether, it might be enough to keep her going, working on redemption and protecting the people that she once loved, and will come to love again. Misc. Notes On spirit animals: I envisioned a wolf for her, since she’d always been interested in being a spirit wolf. As far as scenes go, could be interesting sometime to witness her spirit wolf being destroyed, since she was killed and subsequently raised in undeath. Possibly by some sort of death-inclined creature. Should she ever be redeemed, and start to grow once more as far as her spirit, perhaps a wolf or wolf cub would make its return to grow with her. On Death Knights and souls (TL;DR: Undead have souls, they’re attached to the body, just wrong)


  • Relationship Status: Very, very single
  • Gender Identity: Female


Scourge Soldier Training
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Apprentice Shaman


Current: None. Past: Knight of the Scourge,
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Brave of Shattered Horn Tribe

Accomplishments & Achievements

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Quest of Awakening: Following a spirit-led quest in Northrend, the spirit of her former self has risen from ember to flicker

Failures & Embarrassments

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Camp Overrun: While at a moderate sized camp of soldiers during the war, she failed to escape before the camp was encircled by Scourge. She managed to hide in the snow, but could not escape, and was dead of exposure by morning. Destruction of Masses: On the field of battle in the Third War, Doomwinter and other minions cut down many. Obliteration of Kua'he: One of her first missions was the absolute annihilation of Kua'he Village, a Taunka settlement in Northrend. So utter and brutal was the destruction that it haunts the death knight to this day, just as the spirits of the fallen still haunt the hills and crags near the village.

Mental Trauma

She's a death knight - an utter abomination to her early teachings and in the eyes of her people.

Intellectual Characteristics

Reasonably analytical

Morality & Philosophy

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Recovering; for now, she will do the abhorrent if it advances the cause, though she's not a zealot about it.

Personality Characteristics


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Re-attach to Tauren culture. Find a purpose other than destruction. Lessen the pain and guilt.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

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Savvy: Getting to the root of things, not losing focus. Ineptitude: Empathy remains a challenge

Likes & Dislikes

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Likes: Cold, darkness, quiet, the light of the moon. Dislikes: Reminders that she's an outsider, being told "stop being that way."

Personality Quirks

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Quirk: Prone to drawing or doing origami while thoughtful and at peace


Contacts & Relations

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Shattered Horn Tribe survivors; disowned by most Stonehoof

Family Ties

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Many have disowned her utterly, some accept that she did not choose what she became

Religious Views

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Death comes for everything

Social Aptitude

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Recovering. At her best, thoughtful, at her worst, prone to anger. Depends on social contacts.

Hobbies & Pets

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Cryptstalker the ghoul remains her most loyal ally, despite her often disinterested treatment of it.



Wealth & Financial state

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Whatever shinies her ghoul picks up following encounters, it's enough to trade for needed supplies

Current Location
With the Main Party
View Character Profile
Table of Contents

Doomwinter Dice Sheet   Doomwinter Dice Sheet PDF
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Formerly: Serane Stonehoof
Doomwinter's Story Collection   Affiliated Organizations, Primary:


Affiliated Organizations, Extended:

Knights of the Ebon Blade

Neutral Destructive (with tendencies towards that of her current tribe or group)
Year of Birth
3 ADP 31 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
More remarkable
A village near Mulgore
Pale blue, glowing
While she still wears her hair in the traditional braids, the color is an unnatural ice blue.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A coat of snowy white
A bit above average for a female Tauren
Average for a female Tauren of her size
Known Languages
Taurahe, Orcish

Skyrunner Dice System Information

Basic Character Information
  • Race: Value
  • Base Class: Value
  • Health: Value
  • Armor Class: Value
  • Action Points per Encounter: Value
  • Action Points per Turn: Value


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"Thorn Breaker"

Role/Status: Huntress/Alive
Ethnicity: Pridewing
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Classification: Oversized
Temperament: Agressive
Rider: Doomwinter
Special Note: N/A

Pysical Description: A rich hunter's green female wyvern with loam-brown brindling patterns along her hindquarters and around her shoulders that faces somewhere in between. She sports a set of impressive horns and is absolutely massive in her overall build. her eyes are intense hazel and her face is marred by vicious scarring from attacks over the years.

Personality and History: Fighty, territorial, and fiercely protective. Uchek'mani is a dangerous foe and offers little mercy to those that have not earned it. She is rarely within the Roost and often is found prowling the wastelands of Desolace looking for prey or potential threats. She was a fierce wild wyvern hat stalked Stonetalon mountains for years before she was bonded to a Windwarrior from the tribe. Her aggression was dangerous for the Pridewings and the Pride-Lord at the time deemed her unfit to remain among them. When forced to choose between exile of the bone, she chose the latter. However, the bond changed her as it gave her a purpose and an outlet for her aggression, and for many years she was well-adjusted and even happy. When her rider fell against the Forgotten, she found herself lost to despair and a sense of failure. She had most been right ever since. Being paired to Doomwinter as a riding partner has left her in a strange limbo as the constant presence of the Death Knight's natural necromantic powers and the Saronite armor is starting to change the wyvern. Manifesting in altered moods, a general numbing of physical pain, and a heightened feeling of hunger.

  • Pridewing Venom Strike:
  • Stun your target for 1 round. Attacks against them cannot miss and attackers gain Advantage against that target for the remainder of the round.


Role/Status: Companion/Active
Ethnicity: Unknown
Sex: Unknwon
Age: 7ish
Classification: Withered Ghoul/Undead
Temperament: Helpful

Pysical Description: Physically, Eck is in most ways a stock standard risen ghoul. It's missing massive chunks of flesh from its withered frame, including most of its internal organs. It's got just enough lungs left to vocalize its namesake sound. Damaged bones and flesh are fused and stitched in places, and it's even sporting a couple patches of scaly drake leather. While still sunken, its eyes hold more life and intensity than the average undead minion, and its body language is more like a curious child than that of a soulless shambling husk.

Personality and History: Eck seems to have picked up much of the personality that Doomwinter lacks. Ever helpful, inquisitive, and engaged, the ghoul offers its aid as best it can to the village and the tribe. For those willing to put up with its disturbing appearance (and depending on the wind and how recently it's washed and perfumed itself and its favorite shirt, the scent), Eck has proven to be a patient and tireless helper willing to make its attempt at anything. While its rotted brain limits its abilities, it seems to have a knack for organization, cleaning, and basic mending; all the things a knight needs in a dedicated page. In addition, Eck is known for giving small gifts and trinkets to those it meets, and it seems to have retained pretty good knowledge of all things alcohol.   Not much is well-known about Eck's history from before its arrival, and it doesn't talk about itself much. Other than its work ethic and rather odd personality for a ghoul, its most noteworthy activity has been the countless hours it spent with Hotah following his rescue, doing what it could to keep the recovering tauren entertained and making sure he had company as long as he wished.

  • Attack Modifier: 1
  • Defense/Reflex Modifier: 3
  • Deconstruction:
  • Set your Companion to Deconstruct existing items for useable parts including armor, machines, and anything else.
  • Stealth:
  • Your companion can sneak avoiding detection from enemy targets.


Backpack Items
Carried Items
  • Slots:
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Author's Notes

Last update: 24 Apr 2021

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